Orczy, Emmuska, Baroness. Links in the Chain of Life. Hutchinson, 1947.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Literary Setting | Philip Larkin | The story first picks Phippy up in Form II; in Form IV he fails to borrow a dictionary from an aesthete named the Hon. Percy de Selincourt, who in Form V betrays him and precipitates... |
politics | Emmuska Baroness Orczy | |
politics | Naomi Jacob | |
Textual Features | Romer Wilson | The work is often described as epistolary; it is written in the first person, in letters which are varied with sketches that read almost like diary entries. “Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC. Shanks, Edward. “Romer Wilson: Some Observations”. The London Mercury, Vol. 22 , No. 130, Aug. 1930, pp. 343-9. 346 |
Textual Features | Una Troubridge | In her Foreword, UT
promises, as if a court of law, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Troubridge, Una. The Life and Death of Radclyffe Hall. Hammond, Hammond, 1961. 5 |
Textual Production | Nancy Mitford | In her third novel, Wigs on the Green, NM
satirized the fascist
sympathies of her sisters Unity
and Diana
. Hastings, Selina. Nancy Mitford: A Biography. Hamish Hamilton, 1985. 98-100 Mitford, Nancy. Love from Nancy: The Letters of Nancy Mitford. Editor Mosley, Charlotte, Hodder and Stoughton, 1993. 68-9 |
Textual Production | Evelyn Waugh | EW
embarked on travel writing with Labels: A Mediterranean Journal, 1930, which sets out in breezy letter-writing style to record comfortable travel (around the Middle East and North Africa as well as southern Europe... |
Textual Production | Eleanor Rathbone | ER
was already alert to the effects of expansionist fascism
when she contributed a foreword to The Tragedy of Abyssinia. What Britain Feels and Thinks and Wants, published by the League of Nations Union
. Pedersen, Susan. Eleanor Rathbone and the Politics of Conscience. Yale University Press, 2004. 380 |
Textual Production | Eleanor Rathbone | During this year and the next she produced a number of reports on threatening international developments. In October that year she and other members of a committee of enquiry into breaches of international law in... |
Textual Production | Cicely Hamilton | Between 1931 and 1939, CH
published a series of travel books, which includes works on France, 1933, Russia, 1934, Austria, 1935, Ireland, 1936, Scotland, 1937, England, 1938, and Sweden... |
Textual Production | Philip Larkin | The Juvenilia Press
produced in 2002 an edition of Incidents from Phippy's Schooldays, PL
's mock boys'-school story (hard to date, but evidently written in the later 1930s during the rise of the Fascists |
Theme or Topic Treated in Text | Evelyn Waugh | The protagonist of these books, Guy Crouchback, is a middle-aged Roman Catholic, divorced from his wife, Virginia (though not in the eyes of the Church
, which therefore does not regard a sexual fling with... |
Theme or Topic Treated in Text | Edna St Vincent Millay | This volume is composed mostly of personal love poems (some of them dating back to 1932), in a different strain from the contents of Wine from These Grapes, which Millay had intended as a... |
Travel | Evelyn Waugh | Having reported on Haile Selassie's coronation for The Times, he made further visits to Ethiopia (Abyssinia) in 1935 to write for the Daily Mail about its invasion by the Italians, and again as a... |
Travel | Anne Ridler | Her memoir details her family holidays: six weeks in lodgings in summer and two at Easter, visiting Cornwall, St Davids in Wales, the Lake District, and France (the first time, to Brittany... |
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