Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Florence Farr
Brought up as an Anglican , she developed in the 1890s a strong interest in eastern mysticism and the occult, and played an active role in the Order of theGolden Dawn and then in the...
Cultural formation Evelyn Underhill
To feed her growing interest in spiritualism and the occult, EU joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn .
Armstrong, Christopher J. R. Evelyn Underhill. Mowbrays, 1975.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Cultural formation Maud Gonne
MG 's enthusiasms led her in several successive directions in religion. In November 1891 she became a member of the Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn . On 17 February 1903, immediately before marrying John MacBride
Cultural formation Anna Kingsford
AK presented a formal application for a charter to form the Hermetic Lodge of the Theosophical Society ; it was formally inaugurated two days later, and developed into the Hermetic Society.
This organization was distinct...
Cultural formation Florence Farr
W. B. Yeats introduced FF to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn , a secret occult society based on Rosicrucian beliefs and practices.
Gilbert, R. A., and Florence Farr. “Preface to the Collectanea Hermetica Series”. Egyptian Magic, Aquarian Press, 1982, p. vi.
Johnson, Josephine. Florence Farr: Bernard Shaw’s new woman. Colin Smythe, 1975.
Cultural formation Florence Farr
Having resigned from the Order of the Golden Dawn , FF joined the LondonTheosophical Society .
Johnson, Josephine. Florence Farr: Bernard Shaw’s new woman. Colin Smythe, 1975.
names Evelyn Underhill
  • BirthName: Evelyn Maud Bosworth Underhill
  • Nickname: Thomasina
    This was the name EU took in her friendship with Ethel Ross Barker , who was called Dominica. According to Dana Greene these affectionate names point to...
Occupation Florence Farr
Annie Horniman , whom FF met through the Order of the Golden Dawn , agreed to back the season financially. Farr succeeded in persuading Yeats to write a one-act play for her season, and enlisted...
Textual Production Florence Farr
The initials used by FF stand for Sapientia Sapienti Dona Data [Wisdom is given as a gift to the wise], FF 's Golden Dawn motto.
D’Arch Smith, Timothy, and Florence Farr. “Introduction”. Egyptian Magic, Aquarian Press, 1982, p. ix - xvii.
Her edition appeared as the third volume in the...
Textual Production Florence Farr
Using her Golden Dawn initials S. S. D. D., FF published a scholarly occult work, Egyptian Magic.
Farr, Florence. Egyptian Magic. Aquarian Press, 1982.
D’Arch Smith, Timothy, and Florence Farr. “Introduction”. Egyptian Magic, Aquarian Press, 1982, p. ix - xvii.


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