Society of Friends


Connections Sort ascending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Rosemary Sutcliff
RS was white and English. She wrote that she came of a dynasty of doctors on both sides, with a scattering of farmers and merchants—the latter mostly Quakers .
Sutcliff, Rosemary. Blue Remembered Hills. The Bodley Head.
If it had not been...
Cultural formation Anne Audland
AA and her first husband, John Audland , were converted to Quakerism by George Fox .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Cultural formation Anne Docwra
Born into an English gentry family, AD was an Anglican during the Interregnum, when Anglicans were persecuted and reduced to holding their services in field conventicles.
Docwra, Anne. The Second Part of an Apostate-Conscience Exposed.
Her husband joined the Society of Friends in...
Cultural formation Jessie Fothergill
JF 's father, a former Quaker , was cast out by the Society of Friends when he married an Anglican wife.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Scholar Helen Debenham notes, citing correspondence with Ian Fell , who is writing a...
Cultural formation L. S. Bevington
She was born into a white and wealthy English family. It had Quaker roots on both sides, but there are questions about whether or not she was brought up in the Society of Friends. The...
Cultural formation Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH 's forebears were Quakers on the maternal side, and on both sides soberly respectable and artistic, but her Irish Home-Ruler grandfather, who had joined Friends after his marriage, had been expelled by the Friends...
Cultural formation Margaret Fell
Born in the English gentry and brought up an Anglican , she became a Quaker in middle age. After this she quickly became a leader in the movement. Her class status, unusual among Quaker preachers...
Cultural formation Hannah Kilham
HK converted from Methodism to Quakerism , to which she had been leaning for some time; she now applied to join the monthly meeting at Balby near Doncaster.
Dickson, Mora. The Powerful Bond: Hannah Kilham 1774-1832. Dobson.
Cultural formation Catherine Phillips
Catherine Payton (later CP ) prayed, in our little meeting at Dudley, that she might become a Quaker minister.
Phillips, Catherine. Memoirs of the Life of Catherine Phillips. James Phillips and Son.
Cultural formation Elizabeth Heyrick
EH became a Quaker , and began to dress in plain Quaker style.
Corfield, Kenneth. “Elizabeth Heyrick: Radical Quaker”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, pp. 41-67.
Beale, Catherine Hutton, editor. Catherine Hutton and Her Friends. Cornish Brothers.
Cultural formation Isabella Lickbarrow
Her family were Quakers , said to be in humble life,
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
which suggests that the school where the father taught was an unpretentious one for children of the local poor.
Characters Dorothy Richardson
In Dimple Hill, the middle-aged Miriam goes on a holiday in Sussex, and remains there living on the farm named in the title as a paying guest of a family of Quakers ...
Characters Constance Smedley
The protagonist and letter-writer, Samuel Pumphrey,
Smedley, Constance. Justice Walk. G. Allen and Unwin.
is a a Quaker clerk, puritan, provincial and utterly inartistic,
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus.
as well as initially self-righteous. Before the story begins he was saving money to marry his beloved...
Characters Sarah Daniels
A foreword by Jalna Hanmer explains that the play addresses the early-seventeenth-century shift towards male doctors' control of women's reproduction through new technology (the introduction of forceps) and through religion (the execution of witches)...
Characters Emma Caroline Wood
It traces the life of Sabina Rock, an orphan in a Quaker family, through her teenage years. This prodigy, who runs no risk of ever being mistaken for an ordinary mortal,
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2097 (1868): 15


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