Member of family
MEMBER is a significant sub-element within FAMILY (in the BIOGRAPHY section of entries), enclosing its own DIV2 and other structural tags. It has a required attribute, RELATION, and sub-elements MARRIAGE, JOB, and SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY. It captures a discussion of a specific family member (who was important/significant to the writer). MEMBER allows us to structure information concerning particular family relations. For example, by including a MEMBER element for the mother of a British woman writer, we will be able to generate a list for our end users of all the jobs of or all the comments on these mothers. We hope to make interesting connections between women writers’ relationships to particular family members (for example, group information concerning the relationship of eighteenth-century women writers to their aunts) but in order to do so we must systematize the discussions of these specific members. One member tag is used for several brothers or several sisters or children if not very much is said; for more detail an individual tag is used. Optional tags include JOB and SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY.