Textual features
Found in WRITING, this is one of three big-bucket tags with PRODUCTION and RECEPTION. Most of the same comments apply as on those tags, though TEXTUALFEATURES almost never includes CHRONSTRUCTs. This element addresses content and features of critical interest in texts and provides space for textual analysis/close readings as perceived by project members. No text is allowed directly within the TEXTUALFEATURES element; another element must be opened first. The optional elements most at home in TEXTUALFEATURES include: TCHARACTERIZATION, TCHARACTERTYPEROLE, TCHARACTERNAME, TGENRE, TGENREISSUE, TINTERTEXTUALITY, TMOTIF, TPLOT, TSETTINGDATE, TSETTINGPLACE, TTECHNIQUES, TTHEMETOPIC, TTONESTYLE, and TVOICENARRATION.