This element, available in WRITING > RECEPTION addresses reactions to the literary work, the oeuvre in general, or the writer's role as an author/artist. It should enclose a whole sentence or more. It has no mandatory or optional sub-elements, but three optional attributes: RESPONSETYPE, FORMALITY, and GENDEREDRESPONSE. RESPONSETYPE has the values of initial, recent, and re-evaluation. FORMALITY has the values of FORMAL and INFORMAL. GENDEREDRESPONSE has the values of GENDEREDYES GENDEREDNO and ADFEMINAM. In practice used mostly for reviews with attribute value FORMAL and for comment in letters etc. with attribute value INFORMAL. Generalizations (reviews were overwhelmingly favourable) can be used as well as more specific info. A single use of this tag can encompass several distinct or contradictory opinions, so long as the attribute values are the same.