Henry Harland

Standard Name: Harland, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ella D'Arcy
EDA may have had affairs with several literary men: Henry Harland , her editor; John Lane , her publisher; and M. P. Shiel , who, like her, contributed to Lane's Keynotes series. The possibility that...
Friends, Associates Ella D'Arcy
Lane and Harland were centres of literary social life in London. EDA had many friends among writers, many of them New Women. They included Evelyn Sharp , and Constance Smedley (who found her entirely sincere...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
ES wrote later that at no time in her life did she make intimate friends easily. Most people she had to do with she liked up to a certain point only, but she could count...
Friends, Associates Ada Leverson
AL 's circle of friends comprised writers and artists who were to lend the . . . decade its peculiarly distinctive air:
Speedie, Julie. Wonderful Sphinx: The Biography of Ada Leverson. Virago, 1993.
Max Beerbohm , Aubrey Beardsley , Henry Harland (editor of the...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Mew
In the mid-1890s, CM attended literary gatherings at the home of Henry Harland , editor of The Yellow Book. Other writers who attended included Evelyn Sharp , Netta Syrett , Max Beerbohm , Kenneth Grahame
Literary responses Ella D'Arcy
Henry Harland called this story stunning. It was well reviewed, both for its actual achievement and for its promise for the future. Here and there objections were voiced to its ignoble subject-matter.
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin. “Ella D’Arcy: A Commentary with a Primary and Annotated Secondary Bibliography”. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, Vol.
, No. 2, 1992, pp. 179-11.
203, 189-90
Literary responses Ella D'Arcy
H. G. Wells reviewed Monochromes along with volumes of stories by Henry Harland and by Henry James . Dismissing Harland as a mediocrity and James for his style (which he likened to thorns, brambles, and...
Occupation Ella D'Arcy
As well as a writer, EDA was an editor, assistant to Henry Harland on the avant-garde Yellow Book, published by John Lane of the Bodley Head . Sources agree on this, though she herself...
Performance of text Madeleine Lucette Ryley
MLR 's three-act comedy, based on a novel by Henry Harland and bearing the same title, The Lady Paramount, played at the California Theatre in San Francisco, starring Margaret Anglin .
Engle, Sherry D. New Women Dramatists in America, 1890-1920. Palgrave MacMilan, 2007.
Publishing Charlotte Mew
The editor, Henry Harland , admired the story, but requested that she moderate some of the more excessive descriptions. Plenty, however, remain.
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research, 1983.
Publishing Ella D'Arcy
EDA 's life was transformed after she was discovered by Henry Harland , and he invited her to contribute to the first issue of his new periodical The Yellow Book (out on this day) with...
Textual Features Ella D'Arcy
This encounter takes place between Sir Julian, the banker at a casino in a German seaside resort, and a young American, Francis Underhill, who decides (after whimsical dialogues with himself) that he recognises Garve as...
Textual Production Victoria Cross
Neither work was published entire at this time, although Henry Harland , editor of The Yellow Book, was glowing in his praise of them. Instead, VC 's first publication consisted of solely chapter three...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Ella D'Arcy
This memoir presents extended word-pictures of Henry Harland and Frederick Rolfe (who satirised her in his Nicholas Crabbe, which was as yet unpublished during her career, but circulating in manuscript). She writes touchingly about...


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