John Knox

Standard Name: Knox, John,, 1514 - 1572


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Jane Welsh Carlyle
A Scotswoman from a professional family, JWC claimed what biographer Virginia Surtees terms a strangely assorted ancestry,
Surtees, Virginia. Jane Welsh Carlyle. Michael Russell, 1986.
having apparently descended from Highland chieftains and gypsies on her mother's side, and being a distant relative...
Family and Intimate relationships Helen Blackburn
HB 's mother, Isabella (Lamb) Blackburn , was descended from a brother of John Knox .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Balfour, Frances. Ne obliviscaris. Hodder and Stoughton, 1930, 2 vols.
II: 131
Friends, Associates Rose Hickman
The Hickmans' London home was frequented by leaders of the new Protestant religious tendency: men like John Knox , Scottish preacher and correspondent of Anne Locke (who knew them from early in Mary's reign, when...
Friends, Associates Rose Hickman
John Knox addressed a letter to the Merchandys WyffisRH and Anne Locke in 1556 (his only known letter to Hickman, though not the only one to Locke), urging them to remove themselves from the...
Friends, Associates Anne Locke
The Scottish religious radical John Knox , visiting London, spent part of his time lodging in Anne Locke 's house, and the two formed a friendship of a spiritual and intellectual parity
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
unusual for the time.
Morin-Parsons, Kel, and Anne Locke. “Preface, Introduction, Textual Note”. A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner, edited by Kel Morin-Parsons and Kel Morin-Parsons, North Waterloo Academic Press, 1997, pp. 9-40.
Friends, Associates Anne Locke
John Knox 's close associate Christopher Goodman , who preached at Exeter Cathedral in 1583, was probably there on AL 's account, perhaps by her personal invitation.
Hannay, Margaret P. “’Strengthning the walles of . . . Ierusalem’: Anne Vaughan Lok’s Dedication to the Countess of Warwick”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
, No. 2-3, Apr.–July 1992, pp. 71-5.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Melvill
EM discussed religious matters (encouraging Presbyterian resistance to Episcopalian reform backed by the monarchy) with the several radical ministers who were then and later well-known: Samuel Rutherford (some of whose letters to her survive), William Livingstone
Occupation Anne Locke
AL had work to do in London. Elizabeth was too compromising a Protestant to satisfy the returned exiles from Geneva, and she was an enemy of Knox. AL functioned as Knox 's link to the...
Residence Anne Locke
AL , having left her home in London at the urging of John Knox , arrived (with her two small children) in Geneva to seek refuge from the religious persecution of Queen Mary 's reign.
Morin-Parsons, Kel, and Anne Locke. “Preface, Introduction, Textual Note”. A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner, edited by Kel Morin-Parsons and Kel Morin-Parsons, North Waterloo Academic Press, 1997, pp. 9-40.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Features Willa Muir
She compares the parallel stories of the English Reformation under King Henry VIII , which established the Church of England (Anglican or Episcopalian), and the Scottish Reformation under John Knox in 1559, which established the...
Textual Production Anne Locke
The original A Meditation in the form of sonnets, added to the sermons, is said to come from the hand of a friend: that is, it is not definitely claimed by the author of the...
Textual Production Anne Locke
AL 's letters to John Knox evidently dealt with the interlinked topics of religion and politics; they are known only from his side of the correspondence.


1558: John Knox published his Monstrous Regiment...

Building item


John Knox published his Monstrous Regiment of Women, maintaining that woman had no natural or god-given authority to rule.
Powell, Ken, and Chris Cook. English Historical Facts: 1485-1603. Macmillan, 1977.

1560: John Knox was instrumental in establishing...

National or international item


John Knox was instrumental in establishing the Reformed Church in Scotland; this became the Presbyterian church.
Cameron, Jennifer. A Dangerous Innovator: Mary Ward (1585-1645). St Pauls Publications, 2000.


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