Thomas Percy

Standard Name: Percy, Thomas
Used Form: Bishop Percy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Thomas Chatterton
As well as a basic school education, the young TC (who had been thought slow as a small child) taught himself an astonishing range of abstruse subjects, mostly historical, by reading in circulating libraries and...
Education Anne Marsh
At probably four years old AM read Anna Letitia Barbauld 's Lessons for Children (a composite title for her various books for the very young). With her reader Anne Caldwell, Barbauld achieved her aim of...
Education Dora Sigerson
Irish critic and nationalist John O'Leary played a particularly significant role in DS 's development as a poet; he helped teach her about poetics, to compensate for her lack of formal training. He gave her...
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Seward
Ashmun states clearly that the great love and passion of [Seward's] life was for John Saville ,
Ashmun, Margaret. The Singing Swan. Yale University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1931.
Vicar Choral at Lichfield, though he married somebody else. This relationship attracted some disapproving gossip: Bishop Thomas Percy
Friends, Associates Charlotte Brooke
Apart from Joseph C. Walker , the early friend who became the first person to publish her, CB carried on an amicable correspondence with Thomas Percy , whose project of conserving English ballads parallelled her...
Friends, Associates Anna Williams
AW corresponded with Ann Percy , who, with her husband, the clergyman and ballad-collector Thomas Percy , was a good friend. She visited their home in 1764. Other friends, perhaps her closest, were single women...
Friends, Associates Jane West
JW developed correspondences with Sarah Trimmer and Bishop Thomas Percy .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Friends, Associates Clara Reeve
Among her friends were Martha Bridgen (daughter of Samuel Richardson ), Thomas Percy , and Joseph Cooper Walker
Trainer, James, and Clara Reeve. “Introduction”. The Old English Baron, Oxford University Press, 1977.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
(who was also a good friend to other women writers from around the British Isles: to...
Health Anna Williams
According to Thomas Percy , AW was about twenty when her sight began to be affected by cataracts, though at this date she was still able to read and to sew. She became totally blind...
Intertextuality and Influence Helen Craik
The title-page quotes Virgil . The preface relates how while staying with a friend in the north the author discovered an ancient manuscript, much torn and defaced in a trunk in a garret.
Craik, Helen. Henry of Northumberland. William Lane, 1800, 3 vols.
1: xi
Intertextuality and Influence Jane West
JW 's preface invokes Shakespeare , Virgil , Homer , and Sir Walter Scott (she later adds Thomas Percy ) as more acceptable exemplars for romance than either the French romances (implicitly those of Madeleine de Scudéry
Literary responses Anna Gordon
William Tytler was followed by many more in his interest in AG 's ballads. His son Alexander Fraser Tytler (Lord Woodhouselee) , Scott , Jamieson , Joseph Ritson , M. G. Monk Lewis , Robert Anderson
Literary responses Jane West
Percy vigorously supported her in the conservative British Critic.
Reception Anna Seward
The writer Jane West , replying to heavy condemnation of AS from Thomas Percy , offered a model of candid judgement. She agreed that Seward's prose style was not English but insisted that her poetry...
Textual Features Jane Harvey
The contents include descriptive and melancholy sonnets, satire, autobiography, and politics (including a poem on the horrors of slavery, addressed to William Wilberforce , and another about the sorrow of a woman whose lover has...


12 February 1765: Thomas Percy published his edited Reliques...

Writing climate item

12 February 1765

Thomas Percy published his edited Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, a rediscovery of poems from the middle ages. He dedicated it to the Duchess of Northumberland , daughter of the poet and letter-writer Lady Hertford


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