John O'Leary

Standard Name: O'Leary, John,, 1830 - 1907


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Dora Sigerson
George Sigerson , DS 's father, was a doctor specialising in nervous disorders (a new area of research), a poet, and a Gaelic scholar. He lectured on biology at the National University of Ireland ...
Friends, Associates Maud Gonne
An important friend and mentor to her in her Irish opinions
Ellmann, Richard. Yeats: The Man and the Masks. Faber and Faber.
was John O'Leary , who also provided her introduction to Yeats. She was a friend, too, of his sister Ellen O'Leary , of...
Friends, Associates Katharine Tynan
Among those who frequented KT 's salon were George Russell (Æ), Irish Nationalist and Fenian leader John O'Leary , Gaelic scholar and revivalist Douglas Hyde (founder of the Gaelic League , 1893), and George Sigerson
Instructor Dora Sigerson
Irish critic and nationalist John O'Leary played a particularly significant role in DS 's development as a poet; he helped teach her about poetics, to compensate for her lack of formal training. He gave her...
politics Dora Sigerson
DS 's early exposure to Irish nationalism, Celtic literary revivalism, and political liberalism led her to become involved in Celtic nationalist societies, and made her a member of the Irish Literary Revival or Renaissance, which...
Textual Features Katharine Tynan
The Death Spancel in An Isle in the Water involves the supernatural, to which KT would later return in her novels. The Exile's Sister in The Land of Mist and Mountain (who may be Ellen O'Leary
Textual Production Katharine Tynan
KT , W. B. Yeats , and John O'Leary compiled and edited a volume of Poems and Ballads of Young Ireland.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Tynan, Katharine. The Middle Years. Constable.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Dora Sigerson
The poems and ballads in Love of Ireland celebrate Ireland and its culture, and express, sometimes despairingly, DS 's Irish nationalism and her longing for a return to Ireland's golden past. The speaker in...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Katharine Tynan
This volume runs from her youth up to Charles Stewart Parnell 's death in 1891, the closing of an important historical and personal chapter. She spends considerable time on her relationship with her father ...


1890: The year following Irish nationalist Ellen...

Women writers item


The year following Irish nationalist Ellen O'Leary 's death from breast cancer on 15 October 1889, her Lays of Country, Home and Friends (many of them political) were collected and published.

7 October 1899: The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish...

National or international item

7 October 1899

The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish nationalists in support of the Boers.


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