John Bunyan

Standard Name: Bunyan, John


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Cultural formation Elisabeth Wast
EW was not able to rest peacefully in her commitment to the Church ofScotland . Within four months she found herself troubled with Unbelief.
Wast, Elisabeth. Memoirs; or, Spiritual Exercises. 1724.
Reading Francis Spirahurt me more than all the Books...
Cultural formation Agnes Beaumont
AB was received into the Gamlingay congregation of John Bunyan 's Independent Church centred at Bedford.
Beaumont, Agnes. “Introduction”. The Narrative of the Persecutions of Agnes Beaumont, edited by Vera J. Camden, Colleagues Press, 1992, pp. 1-33.
1, 30
Cultural formation Agnes Beaumont
It was about this time, in winter 1674 (though AB does not say whether it was January-February or December of that year), that she proposed to get to a meeting at Gamlingay by riding pillion...
Education Anne Brontë
Their later reading drew on a selection of standard texts including Oliver Goldsmith 's History of England, Hannah More 's Moral Sketches, John Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress, Isaac Watts 's Doctrine of...
Education Charlotte Brontë
Their education continued at home from a selection of standard texts including Oliver Goldsmith 's History of England, Hannah More 's Moral Sketches, John Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress, Isaac Watts 's Doctrine...
Education Emily Brontë
Thereafter, Patrick Brontë educated his remaining children at home, using standard educational texts including Thomas Salmon 's A New Geographical and Historical Grammar, a condensed version of Oliver Goldsmith 's History of England,...
Education Henry Handel Richardson
The child Ethel Richardson was a great reader. She identified with male fictional characters, and cherished three books which her father gave her almost on his death-bed: The Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan , Robinson Crusoe...
Education Jean Rhys
At a very young age, JR imagined that God was a book. She was so slow to read that her parents were concerned, but then suddenly found herself able to read even the longer words...
Education Catherine Carswell
After her discovery of literature, CC 's early reading included many pious books: Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress, Foxe 's Book of Martyrs, and Lives of the Saints. She also read widely in...
Education Emmeline Pankhurst
EP 's parents encouraged her intellectual development from an early age. Among the important first texts she read were Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress and John BunyanHoly War, and Carlyle 's French Revolution. Her mother...
Education Sarah Josepha Hale
Sarah Josepha Buell (later SJH ) was taught at home by her mother, with her father and her brother Horatio (then a law student) joining in for such higher branches of learning as writing, Latin...
Education Clemence Dane
CD later wrote: Of course education in the modern sense didn't exist in the 'nineties, but reading was early acquired.
Dane, Clemence. London Has a Garden. Michael Joseph, 1964.
Having no television, she was imbibing knowledge from books before she was five. Both...
Education Elizabeth Ham
At WeymouthEH (while her family moved to the village of Upwey) attended Ma'am Tucker's school, first boarding with a neighbour and later at the school. The governess was a Presbyterian, for which...
Education Rebecca Harding Davis
Influenced by her mother's linguistic virtuosity and her father's storytelling and love of classic literature, Rebecca grew up well acquainted with early American history (whose evidence lay close at hand) and with the stories...
Education Louisa May Alcott
She was also a great self-educator and took to reading everything from Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress to Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter (he was a family friend). She particularly admired Mary Wollstonecraft and also warmed...


1666: John Bunyan published his spiritual autobiography,...

Writing climate item


John Bunyan published his spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

February 1678: John Bunyan's famous allegorical narrative...

Writing climate item

February 1678

John Bunyan 's famous allegorical narrative the Pilgrim's Progress (sometimes later called a novel) was licensed by the Stationers' Company ; it was published this year.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

1682: Bunyan published an allegory of salvation...

Writing climate item


Bunyan published an allegory of salvation entitled The Holy War, probably written in the first quarter of this year.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

1683: John Bunyan published a tract examining the...

Writing climate item


John Bunyan published a tract examining the relation of women to the church: A Case of Conscience Resolved.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Beaumont, Agnes. “Introduction”. The Narrative of the Persecutions of Agnes Beaumont, edited by Vera J. Camden, Colleagues Press, 1992, pp. 1-33.

1684: John Bunyan published his sequel The Second...

Writing climate item


John Bunyan published his sequel The Second Part of the Pilgrim's Progress, in which the protagonist is female.
English Short Title Catalogue.

1686: John Bunyan's A Book for Boys and Girls;...

Building item


John Bunyan 's A Book for Boys and Girls; or, Country Rhimes for Children was published.
Bunyan, John. A Book for Boys and Girls; or, Country Rhimes for Children. Printed for N. P., 1686.
Demers, Patricia, and Robert Gordon Moyles, editors. From Instruction to Delight: An Anthology of Children’s Literature to 1850. Oxford University Press, 1982.

1881: William Hale White published his successful...

Writing climate item


William Hale White published his successful novel of religious doubt, The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford, Dissenting Minister, as Mark Rutherford .
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

1883: James Simson edited a short anthology entitled...

Writing climate item


James Simson edited a short anthology entitled The Gipsies, as illustrated by John Bunyan , Mrs. Carlyle , and others. And, Do Snakes Swallow Their Young?.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.

26 April 1951: Composer Ralph Vaughan Williams's opera Pilgrim's...

Building item

26 April 1951

Composer Ralph Vaughan Williams 's opera Pilgrim's Progress was first performed, at Covent Garden in London.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.


Bunyan, John. A Book for Boys and Girls; or, Country Rhimes for Children. Printed for N. P., 1686.
Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. George Larkin, 1666.
Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress. N. Ponder, 1678.
Bunyan, John, and Agnes Beaumont. The Trial of John Bunyan and the Persecution of the Puritans: Selections from the Writings of John Bunyan and Agnes Beaumont. Editor Furlong, Monica, Folio Society, 1978.