Peter Alekseevich Kropotkin

Standard Name: Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich
Used Form: Peter Kropotkin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death L. S. Bevington
All major anarchist periodicals, such as Freedom, Liberty and The Torch, printed obituaries in December of that year. Although she was survived by her mother and all seven of her siblings, only her...
Family and Intimate relationships Muriel Spark
MS's maternal grandparents lived over her grandmother's shop at 288 High Street, Watford, where Muriel spent summer holidays as a child. This grandmother, Adelaide Uezzell, had been a suffragette and an acquaintance...
Friends, Associates L. S. Bevington
LSB was a friend of many notable anarchist journalists, including Charlotte Wilson
Senaha, Eijun. “A Life of Louisa Sarah Bevington”. The Hokkaido University Annual Report on Cultural Sciences, Vol.
, Aug. 2000, pp. 131-49.
(a leading member of the Fabians and co-founder of the anarchist journal Freedom), Helen and Olivia Rossetti (editors of another anarchist...
Friends, Associates Constance Garnett
In 1891 Edward Garnett brought home with him a Russian political exile, Felix Volkhovsky, who encouraged CG, then pregnant, to learn Russian. As a result of this friendship, she and Edward became acquainted...
Friends, Associates Ethel Lilian Voynich
Back in London, Ethel Lilian Boole was further pulled into revolutionary causes after her friend Charlotte Wilson (then an anarchist journalist, later a leader of the Fabian Women's Group) introduced her to exiles Sergei Kravchinskii
Friends, Associates Hesba Stretton
Among her Russian exile contacts, she attended the lectures of Peter Kropotkin, and befriended Felix Volkhovsky and Sergei Stepniak.
Cutt, Margaret Nancy. Ministering Angels: A Study of Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Writing for Children. Five Owls Press, 1979.
Friends, Associates Katharine Bruce Glasier
Her involvement in socialist circles led her to acquaintance with Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Edward Hulton (editor of the Sunday Chronicle), and Robert Blatchford, for whom she wrote several articles.
Thompson, Laurence. The Enthusiasts. Victor Gollancz Limited, 1971.
Friends, Associates E. Nesbit
Through her political interests she got to know George Bernard Shaw (with whom she had a brief affair but a succeeding steady friendship), Sidney Webb, Sydney Olivier, Annie Besant, Eleanor Marx,...
Literary Setting E. Nesbit
This book shows the influence of Dickens in its use of disguise, its elaborate plot and wide range of settings (all known at first hand to EN, including Derbyshire, where she had been...


October 1886: Freedom, a popular anarchist newspaper, was...

National or international item

October 1886

Freedom, a popular anarchist newspaper, was founded in London by Charlotte M. Wilson and Peter Kropotkin.
Harrison, Royden et al. The Warwick Guide to British Labour Periodicals, 1790-1970: A Check List. Harvester Press, 1977.
Quail, John. The Slow Burning Fuse: The Lost History of the British Anarchists. Granada, 1978.


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