Thomas, Clara. Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson. University of Toronto Press, 1967.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Education | Annie Besant | AB was educated at Fern Hill in Dorset by Evangelist Ellen Marryat, sister of novelist Captain Frederick Marryat and therefore aunt of his daughter Florence, also a noted writer. AB studied geography, Latin... |
Education | Susan Tweedsmuir | She was, however, always reading as a child: she and her sister had few books, but knew by heart whole chapters of the ones they did have. As a child Susan hated Mrs Mortimer's... |
Education | Lucille Iremonger | Lucille wrote, Both my parents were great chastisers, she with a hairbrush, he with a razor-strop, and both, later, with the thin and supple cane. I think most parents did a bit of chastising in... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Florence Marryat | Captain Frederick Marryat, FM's father, was a distinguished naval officer renowned for conspicuous gallantry, a Fellow of the Royal Society and member of the Légion d'Honneur, a spectacular success as a novelist... |
Friends, Associates | Anna Brownell Jameson | Besides her time in the USA with Fanny Kemble, Catherine Sedgwick, and William Channing, ABJ made the acquaintance of Frederick Marryat, whose advice on publishing matters she appreciated. Thomas, Clara. Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson. University of Toronto Press, 1967. 117-25 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Lucy Walford | An interesting textual allusion comes early in the novel when the youngest sister reluctantly puts down Captain Marryat's Children of the New Forest to entertain the ordinary everyday visitor Walford, Lucy. Cousins. New Edition, William Blackwood and Sons, 1879. 63 |
Literary responses | Florence Marryat | William Lush in his Athenæum review opened by invoking the reputation of FM's father, and judged that his daughter's first experiment in fiction was exceedingly good, showing great descriptive power and commanding... |
Textual Production | Florence Marryat | FM's non-fiction works include the travel book 'Gup', Sketches of Anglo-Indian Life and Character, 1868, and her Life and Letters of Captain Marryat, 1872. 'Gup' appeared serially in Temple Bar before... |
Textual Production | Marguerite Gardiner Countess of Blessington | This work involved her in finding—and engaging in voluminous correspondence with—contributors (who often were or became her personal friends), such as Anna Maria Hall, Felicia Hemans, Amelia Opie, Mary Russell Mitford,... |
Textual Production | Mary Wesley | As a small child Mary Farmar (later MW) spent hours telling herself stories set in particular locations derived from her reading of the Baroness Orczy, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Frederick Marryat... |
Travel | Florence Marryat | FM made, as a performer, a tour of the USA about which she later published a book: her father, too, had travelled North America and written of it in A Diary in America, with... |
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