James Gillray

Standard Name: Gillray, James


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Eleanor Bowes Countess of Strathmore
She had begun divorce proceedings in 1785. Within a month of the decision of the Court of Delegates , a pamphlet, The Trial of Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq. for Adultery and Cruelty, made public...
Leisure and Society Mary Robinson
As a beautiful actress MR was frequently painted by artists, who included Richard Cosway , Thomas Gainsborough , Angelica Kauffmann , Thomas Lawrence , Joshua Reynolds , and George Romney . As the prince's mistress...
Reception Ann Thicknesse
During her lifetime AT 's reputation rested on her music, not her writing. One of the attacks on her husband, a scatological cartoon by Gillray entitled Lieut. Gover[no]r Gall-Stone, inspired by Alecto, or The Birth...
Reception Mary Eleanor Bowes Countess of Strathmore
Three of Gillray 's cartoons of her are in the National Portrait Gallery .
Theme or Topic Treated in Text George Paston
Social Caricature in the Eighteenth Century covers (and illustrates) such well-known names as Hogarth , Gillray , and Rowlandson .


9 June 1792: Gillray published a remarkable political...

National or international item

9 June 1792

Gillray published a remarkable political cartoon, Sin, Death, and the Devil: personified versions of Queen Charlotte , William Pitt , and Lord Thurlow .
Hill, Draper. Mr. Gillray, the Caricaturist. Phaidon Press, 1965.
plate 44


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