He had dashingly headed the Irish Brigade
that fought in the Boer War on the anti-British side; Gonne had supported the Boers and the Irish Brigade by founding the Transvaal Committee
. The marriage was...
Textual Production
Maud Gonne
William Rooney
and Arthur Griffith
(who later that year joined MG
in founding the Transvaal Committee
) launched an Irish nationalist weekly, the United Irishman. In this they had financial backing from Gonne, who...
7 October 1899: The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish...
National or international item
7 October 1899
The Transvaal Committee
was founded by Irish nationalists in support of the Boers.
Ward, Margaret. Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism. Pluto, 1983.