Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald. The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington. 4th ed., Downey, 1896.
340-1, 376, 419-0
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Ouida | Ouida
's father, Louis Ramé
—he was originally from France—had moved in the 1830s to Bury St Edmunds, where he taught French intermittently. He was rumoured, though without conclusive evidence, to have been a... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Florence Dixie | The widowed mother
of Lady Florence Douglas (later FD
) converted to Roman Catholicism
and fled to Paris (and to the protection of the French Emperor
) with her younger children, lest their guardians should... |
Friends, Associates | Lucie Duff Gordon | While they were in Paris their visitors included philosopher and politician Victor Cousin
, writers Alfred de Vigny
, Jules Barthélemy Saint Hilaire
, and Léon de Wailly
, Positivist philosopher Auguste Comte
, and... |
Friends, Associates | Marguerite Gardiner Countess of Blessington | To her many friends and visitors Lady Blessington soon added the exiled Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
, John Forster
, and in the early 1840s, Charles Dickens
. Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald. The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington. 4th ed., Downey, 1896. 340-1, 376, 419-0 |
Friends, Associates | Camilla Crosland | Her work for the annuals led to her connection with Lady Blessington
and her niece Marguerite Power
. Despite the disapproval of other friends she was a regular visitor to Blessington's home, Gore House... |
Health | Harriet Hamilton King | She writes that her health suffered greatly from dwelling so intensely on such a painful topic; and I had the sensation strongly that I was being dragged down to the grave by Orsini
, to... |
Literary responses | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Critics were divided about the success of the poem, as was perhaps to be expected given EBB
's passionate embrace of Italian nationalism and her criticism of British foreign policy. The Guardian called it an... |
Literary responses | Jessie White Mario | After the inaugural lecture, the New York Herald called her words very chaste and poetical and her enunciation clear and distinct. qtd. in Daniels, Elizabeth Adams. Jessie White Mario: Risorgimento Revolutionary. Ohio University Press, 1972. 75 |
Literary Setting | Harriet Hamilton King | The first part of the collection concerns Giuseppe Garibaldi
, Felice Orsini
(whose assassination attempt on Napoleon III
it defends), and the cause the author herself had fervently embraced: that of Italian nationalism. Miles, Alfred H., editor. The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. AMS Press, 1967, 12 vols. 82 King, Harriet Hamilton. Aspromonte and Other Poems. Macmillan, 1869. vii |
Literary Setting | Mary Elizabeth Braddon | Ishmael is set in Brittany and Paris, mainly between 1850 and 1867, during the reign of Louis Napoleon
. The title character is the son of a Breton aristocrat, despised by his father on... |
Literary Setting | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | The volume revolves around the events in Italy surrounding Napoleon III
's betrayal, in the treaty of Villafranca in July 1859, of allies in the Italian nationalist cause against Austria, but earlier poems are also... |
Literary Setting | Harriet Martineau | Certainly the plot drags, the characterisation is wooden, and the book is weighed down by ponderous speeches. In the opening domestic scene, Toussaint's son is helped to read the word Epictetus
on the spine of... |
politics | Mary Russell Mitford | In politics MRM
was known as a Foxite: that is, she supported the Whigs under Charles James Fox
, the more progressive opposition to the government. On 17 June 1814 she attended an Abolitionist meeting... |
politics | Florence Dixie | In her autobiographical novel The Story of Ijain, FD
relates her awakening to the cruelty of power when in France she witnessed the ceremony of degradation, before a jeering crowd, of a soldier... |
politics | George Sand | GS
met with Louis Napoléon
to plead successfully for the release of political prisoners captured during his coup d'état. Jack, Belinda. George Sand: A Woman’s Life Writ Large. Vintage, 2001. 324-6 |
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