Robert Bage

Standard Name: Bage, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Catherine Hutton
CH 's friends included novelists Sarah Harriet Burney and Robert Bage , publisher Sir Richard Phillips , Elizabeth Arnold (whom she calls sister of Catharine Macaulay , but who was actually the sister of Macaulay's...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Pipe Wolferstan
Samuel Pipe Wolferstan"s friends included Erasmus Darwin , Anna Seward , Thomas Gisborne , and the novelist Robert Bage . Of EPW 's own friends, Mary Gresley was seriously pursued by her husband before he married Elizabeth.
Wolferstan, Elizabeth Pipe. “Preface”. Agatha, edited by John Goss.
Intertextuality and Influence George Eliot
Felix Holt is set around the time of the Reform Bill of 1832. It is in effect a condition of England novel, and is sometimes considered, despite its early setting, to belong to the cluster...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Thomas
Its title suggests purposeful allusion to a literary debate about the desirability of change and reform in the world. It specifically suggests allusion to Elizabeth Inchbald 's comedy Wives as They Were, and Maids as...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Hamilton
Again EH takes the radicals as her target. The phrase modern philosophers was in common use: the Gentleman's Magazine had turned it on Mary Wollstonecraft in reviewing her first major political work. Yet Hamilton makes...
Literary responses Ann Radcliffe
The Italian won for AR the accolade of praise from Thomas James Matthias , scholar, editor, and librarian at Buckingham Palace, who invoked the shade of Ariosto to honour her in the same place...
politics Helen Craik
Allene Gregory , author of an account of English fictional portraits of the French Revolution, describes HC 's politics as Whiggism, conservative when compared with even so mild a radical as Bage , very liberal...
Textual Features Isabella Kelly
The title positions the novel in a line running from Robert Bage 's Man As He Is, 1792, and William Godwin 's Caleb Williams; or, Things as They Are, 1794, to Catherine Gore
Textual Features Margaret Croker
This remarkable book, a novel of two generations, is unusual in every way. The first heroine has her life is ruined (but not in the predictable way) as a consequence of an early extramarital pregnancy...
Textual Features Barbara Hofland
The title-page quotes Johnson 's Rambler. This novel opens with fashionable and effective abruptness: What can I do? These words, spoken in a low tone, and followed by a heart rending sigh, broke on...
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
Wives as They Were, and Maids as They Are, a comedy by EI , opened at Covent Garden .
The title sounds like an allusion to such radical texts as Robert Bage 's Man...
Textual Production Frances Jacson
This is another novel ascribed in earlier sources to Alethea Lewis , and available through Chawton Novels On-line at Two plot-elements, indeed, are parallelled in Lewis's life: the motherless heroine, Caroline, and the long-drawn-out...
Textual Production Alethea Lewis
AL 's dedication to Sir Edward Littleton , Member of Parliament for Stafford, praises him in this capacity and as a landlord. Her subscribers include many friends or relations, as well as writers like...
Textual Production Annie Tinsley
AT , as the author of Margaret; or, Prejudice at Home, published a novel with a female first-person protagonist, Women as They Are. By One of Them.
The title of Women as They...
Textual Production Catherine Gore
The title of CG 's anonymous novel Women as They Are; or, The Manners of the Day, linked it to a reformist tradition running from Robert Bage in 1792, through Barbara Hofland in 1815...


14 June 1792: Robert Bage anonymously published his radical...

Writing climate item

14 June 1792

Robert Bage anonymously published his radical novel Man As He Is, in which a young baronet learns to rise above the vices of his class.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 562

14 June 1792: The title of radical novelist Robert Bage's...

Writing climate item

14 June 1792

The title of radical novelist Robert Bage 's anonymous Man As He Is, published this day, suggests the unpalatable truths revealed by reformers or satirists; it influenced later titles chosen by William Godwin and...

March 1793: Thomas Holcroft, in his Monthly review of...

Writing climate item

March 1793

Thomas Holcroft , in his Monthly review of Robert Bage 's recent Man As He Is, made disparaging remarks about young ladies who write novels, as well as those who read them; he may...

By April 1796: Robert Bage published Hermsprong, or, Man...

Writing climate item

By April 1796

Robert Bage published Hermsprong, or, Man as He Is Not, best-known of his radical or Jacobin novels.
Bage, Robert. Hermsprong. Editor Perkins, Pamela, Broadview, 2002.

September 1826: The conservative Quarterly Review, discussing...

Writing climate item

September 1826

The conservative Quarterly Review, discussing Sir Walter Scott 's Lives of the Novelists, omitted all mention of any female writer.
Quarterly Review. J. Murray.
34 (1826): 349ff, 366-7


Bage, Robert. Hermsprong. Editor Perkins, Pamela, Broadview, 2002.