Craik, Helen. Henry of Northumberland. William Lane, 1800, 3 vols.
1: xi
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Pix | MP
's Catherine is not (like Shakespeare's) Katherine Parr, but is the French-born widow of Henry V
, who formed an illicit union in about 1429 with the Welsh prince Owen Tudor
, which produced... |
Literary Setting | Georgette Heyer | |
Literary Setting | Helen Craik | The title-page quotes Virgil
. The preface relates how while staying with a friend in the north the author discovered an ancient manuscript, much torn and defaced in a trunk in a garret. Craik, Helen. Henry of Northumberland. William Lane, 1800, 3 vols. 1: xi |
Literary Setting | Mrs E. M. Foster | This four-volume novel follows many conventions of romance such as moated castles and beauteous damsels. Smollett, Tobias. Roderick Random. J. Osborn, 1748, 2 vols. 13 ns (April 1795): 468 |
Literary Setting | Mrs E. M. Foster | This novel opens a little earlier than its predecessor, before the death of Henry V
, It follows many conventions of romance, though it is not as formulaic as many romances. Jaquelina and the Duke... |
Textual Features | Emma Robinson | Owen Tudor, fifteenth-century descendant of a royal and ancient Welsh family, was paternal grandfather of Henry VII
. All kinds of romantic stories surround his secret marriage with Catherine de Valois
, widow of Henry V |
Textual Production | Jean Plaidy | JP
set Epitaph for Three Women, twelfth of her thirteen Plantagenet novels and one of three this year, after Henry V
's death; its three women are his queen Katherine or Catherine of Valois |
Textual Production | Jean Plaidy | In this extremely well-populated series, this first Plantagenet led a long procession. Its followers were two novels in 1977, The Revolt of the Eaglets, and The Heart of the Lion (about Richard Coeur de Lion |
Textual Production | Georgette Heyer | The subject of the book is John, Duke of Bedford
, Henry V
's younger brother. GH
began writing it in 1948 under the encouragement of her husband and of Frere, her editor. The subject... |
Textual Production | Charlotte Yonge | CY
published The Caged Lion (one of her best-known historical novels), about Henry V
. The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870. Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company, 1943. 130 |
Textual Production | Mrs E. M. Foster | Jaquelina tells a version of historical events. Jacquelina, Countess of Hainault
, had made a dynastic marriage when very young, repudiated her husband, and fled to England before, by early 1423, she married Humphry, Duke of Gloucester |
Theme or Topic Treated in Text | Maria De Fleury |
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