Adeline Sergeant

Standard Name: Sergeant, Adeline


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Catherine Crowe
CC died of what was called a natural decay
Sutherland, John. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press.
at 22 Upper Sandgate Road, Folkestone, where she had moved only the year before.
Various sources, including Adeline Sergeant and the old Dictionary of National...
Friends, Associates Ménie Muriel Dowie
As a public literary figure MMD moved amongst the major writers of her day. At the Women Writers' Dinner of the New Vagabonds Club in June 1895, she spoke alongside Adeline Sergeant , Christabel Coleridge
Literary responses Ellen Wood
At the time of her death, EW remained a highly popular writer: her works were translated into many languages, and by 1895 their sale in Australia was said to have exceeded that of Dickens ...
Literary responses Caroline Clive
According to Geraldine Jewsbury in the Athenæum, the author loves to play with sharp tools, but the sword of Justice proves itself too heavy for her handling.
Partridge, Eric Honeywood. “Mrs. Archer Clive”. Literary Sessions, Scholartis Press.
However, many disagreed; a reviewer for...
Literary responses Caroline Clive
This novel seems to have divided the critics. Geraldine Jewsbury 's Athenæum review declared that it had no story to tell, and none is told, and wondered why the book should have been sent out...
Literary responses Catherine Crowe
According to critic Adeline Sergeant , this play showed considerable ability and was well regarded by the critics.
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett.
Literary responses Catherine Crowe
This book received mixed reviews. The Athenæum referred to the volumes as awful (presumably meaning that they inspired awe) and noted that the narrative part of [them] is very well done.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1056 (1848): 79
Literary responses Catherine Crowe
The Athenæum felt that this work showed good morals together with CC 's well-known neatness of carpentry.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1102 (1848): 1236
Adeline Sergeant found it an excellent story which illustrated the versatility of [CC 's] mind.
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett.
Literary responses Ellen Wood
In her discussion of EW 's works in 1897, Adeline Sergeant argued that East Lynne's popularity was understandable on account of its touching and striking story, and (although she went on to criticise its...
Literary responses Ellen Wood
Later on, however, Adeline Sergeant pointed out a more humorous element
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett.
in The Channings than its predecessor, mostly in the characterisation of the college boys. This is an aspect of EW 's oeuvre which...
Reception Catherine Crowe
CC 's works were quickly made available in cheap editions, fit for the perusal of all classes.
Schlueter, Paul, and June Schlueter, editors. An Encyclopedia of British Women Writers. Garland.
Partly by this means, she managed to attract many readers during the span of her career. Early critic...
Reception Catherine Crowe
Sergeant also claimed (despite the undeniable melodramatic element in CC 's fiction) that it heralded the advent of a new kind of fiction: a kind which has been, perhaps more than any other, characteristic of...
Textual Features Catherine Crowe
These are partly imaginary and partly historical accounts of celebrated criminals, some whose crimes were so numerous that they themselves forgot the number of their victims.
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett.
According to Adeline Sergeant , the collection distinctly...
Textual Production May Crommelin
Textual Production Ménie Muriel Dowie
She expressed her view that the novel of the future would discuss the woman of the future—the public woman who sat on committees—and whose story is so far unknown.
“19th Century British Library Newspapers”. Gale: 19th Century British Library Newspapers.
Daily News 15346 (6 June 1895): 6


July 1889: Women's Suffrage: A Reply appeared in the...

Building item

July 1889

Women's Suffrage: A Reply appeared in the Fortnightly Review to counter Mary Augusta Ward 's Appeal Against Female Suffrage in the previous month's Nineteenth Century.


Mathers, Helen et al. The Fate of Fenella. Cassell, 1892.
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett, 1897.