Susan J. Wolfson

Standard Name: Wolfson, Susan J.


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Literary responses Dorothy Wordsworth
During most of the twentieth century, scholars of DW were primarily scholars of William; they valued both Dorothy's prose and her influence on his poetry very highly indeed, but accepted her own modest valuation of...
Literary responses Felicia Hemans
Critic Susan J. Wolfson argues, from a careful reading of the collection's title piece, that Felicia Browne's precocious genius has ensured that what she intended as a paean on domestic affection ends up exposing a...
Publishing Felicia Hemans
In 1914 Oxford University Press published FH's collected works. After this her works went out of print until the 1970s. Several Garland reprints with introductions by Donald H. Reiman have appeared, as have editions...
Reception Felicia Hemans
Susan J. Wolfson and Elizabeth Fay edited for Broadview Press, 2002, a parallel-text edition of The Siege of Valencia showing the first printed text side-by-side with the recently discovered original manuscript from the Houghton Library
Reception Felicia Hemans
FH was slow to register on the radar of recuperative feminist critics. Cora Kaplan was an early exception in her anthology Salt and Bitter and Good, 1975.Margaret Homans in her early attempt to...
Textual Production Dorothy Wordsworth
Almost all DW's known poems survive in a small notebook misleadingly labelled Diaries (Dove Cottage MS 120), which contains as well poems by other people and miscellaneous prose, also by various authors. It...


No timeline events available.


Wolfson, Susan J. “’Domestic Affections’ and ’the spear of Minerva’: Felicia Hemans and the Dilemma of Gender”. Re-Visioning Romanticism: British Women Writers 1776-1837, edited by Carol Shiner Wilson and Joel Haefner, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, pp. 128-66.
Wolfson, Susan J. “Felicia Hemans and the Revolving Doors of Reception”. Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Doors of Reception, edited by Harriet Kramer Linkin and Stephen C. Behrendt, University Press of Kentucky, 1999, pp. 214-41.
Hemans, Felicia. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Letters, Reception Materials. Editor Wolfson, Susan J., Princeton University Press, 2000.
Wolfson, Susan J. “Individual in Community: Dorothy Wordsworth in Conversation with William”. Romanticism and Feminism, edited by Anne K. Mellor, Indiana University Press, 1988, pp. 139-66.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction”. The Siege of Valencia, edited by Susan J. Wolfson and Elizabeth Fay, Broadview, 2002, pp. 7-33.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Letters, Reception Materials, edited by Susan J. Wolfson, Princeton University Press, 2000, p. xiii - xxix; various pages.
Hemans, Felicia. The Siege of Valencia. Editors Wolfson, Susan J. and Elizabeth Fay, Broadview, 2002.