Henry Cust

Standard Name: Cust, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Lady Cynthia Asquith
LCA 's mother invited to Stanway a wide variety of guests: Arthur Balfour , Walter Raleigh , George Wyndham , Harry Cust , Charles Whibley , H. G. Wells , Evan Charteris , Hugh Cecil
politics Millicent Garrett Fawcett
MGF launched a crusade against a Conservative MP, Henry Cust , who had seduced a girl of good family and rejected her appeals to him to marry her now that she was pregnant.
Oakley, Ann et al. “Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Duty and Determination”. Feminist Theorists, edited by Dale Spender, Reprint, Pantheon Books, pp. 184-02.
Strachey, Ray. Millicent Garrett Fawcett. J. Murray.
Publishing Katharine Tynan
Getting to write in the Wares of Autolycus column—for which Violet Hunt , Alice Meynell , Edith Nesbit , and Graham Thompson (Rosamund Marriott Watson) had also written—was, KT said, the summit of my hopes...


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