Elizabeth Cartwright Coltman

Standard Name: Coltman, Elizabeth Cartwright


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Heyrick
EH 's mother (who in her youth had been a poet, publisher's editor, and book reviewer) died at Bow Bridge House; Heyrick recorded her feelings in her diary.
Beale, Catherine Hutton, editor. Catherine Hutton and Her Friends. Cornish Brothers.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Heyrick
Her mother, born Elizabeth Cartwright , was a remarkable woman. She became engaged to please her family, but her fiancé died. After this she visited London and stayed with the publisher Robert Dodsley . While...
Friends, Associates Catherine Hutton
CH 's friends included novelists Sarah Harriet Burney and Robert Bage , publisher Sir Richard Phillips , Elizabeth Arnold (whom she calls sister of Catharine Macaulay , but who was actually the sister of Macaulay's...
Friends, Associates Eleanor Sleath
ES 's group of friends included the writer Susanna Watts (her distant relation), the Reverend John Dudley (who was suspected of being closer than a friend, and whose wife, Ann , made trouble for Sleath)...
Publishing Catherine Hutton
CH (now nearly ninety) published in Ainsworth's Magazine her sketch of the Coltman family: that of Elizabeth Heyrick 's mother .
Beale, Catherine Hutton, editor. Catherine Hutton and Her Friends. Cornish Brothers.
Textual Features Catherine Hutton
The title-page bore CH 's name, and mentioned her previous novel. This book too is epistolary, dominated more than its precedessor by its heroine. Dorothy Penrose is the mountaineer of the title (the term here...
Textual Production Elizabeth Heyrick
One manuscript note in the British Library copy ascribes this to Eliza Coltman (which could mean either EH , called by her birth name, or her mother ), while another note re-ascribes it to Mr...


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