Anne Conway

Standard Name: Conway, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Finch
Married Name: Anne Conway
Titled: Anne, Viscountess Conway
AC 's reputation has been quietly growing into that of a serious late-seventeenth-century philosopher, rather than merely a patron of male philosophers. Her correspondence with Henry More is full of philosophical as well as personal interest.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation William Law
He became a Church of England clergyman, but after the accession of George I he refused to take the oath of allegiance (since he was a Jacobite). This made him a Nonjuror, ineligible for positions...
Education Lady Hester Pulter
Mark Robson in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography observes that LHP was an educated and highly literate woman.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Whatever her teaching amounted to when she was a child (and her sister Margaret seems to...
Education Mary Astell
MA never attended school. Apart from sewing and the Bible, she was also taught theology and philosophy (of the school of the Cambridge Platonists, like Anne Conway 's friend Henry More ) by her uncle...
Family and Intimate relationships Brilliana Lady Harley
BLH 's brother, later Edward, second Viscount Conway (who died in 1684), became the father-in-law and friend of the philosopher Anne Conway .
George, Margaret. Women in the First Capitalist Society. University of Illinois Press, 1988.
Scholar Margaret George says Marjorie Hope Nicolson , editor of The...
Reception Hildegarde of Bingen
In recent times she has made a rapid transition from being unknown to being fashionable for her music and moderately well known for her writings. Her letters were edited in English translation in 1994 and...
Reception May Drummond
From the first, however, MD 's preaching was polarizing, attracting not only praise but also criticism more hostile than Cookworthy's. She was blamed for her social manner, for being visibly of a higher rank than...
Textual Features Rose Macaulay
This is her sole historical novel and the only one to reflect her long-standing interest in the seventeenth century. Set between October 1640 and May 1641, the period of the Long Parliament, the novel portrays...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Antonia Fraser
The chapter When Women Preach discusses Lady Eleanor Douglas and (in more detail) Anna Trapnel . Petticoat-Authors (about the Restoration period) makes a number of mis-statements (understandable errors that would not have been made at...


By September 1887: William Walker published at Aberdeen The...

Writing climate item

By September 1887

William Walker published at AberdeenThe Bards of Bon-Accord, 1375-1860, a history of poetry in Aberdeenshire, which had already appeared serially in the Herald and Weekly Free Press.
The volume is dated from...


Conway, Anne. “Introduction”. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, edited by Allison P. Coudert and Taylor Corse, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. vii - xxxiii.
Conway, Anne, and Henry More. “Introduction; Editorial Materials”. The Conway Letters, edited by Sarah Hutton et al., Revised, Clarendon Press, 1992, p. vii - xix; various pages.
Conway, Anne. “Principia philosophiae”. Opuscula philosophica, 1690.
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope, and Anne Conway. “Prologue”. The Conway Letters, edited by Sarah Hutton and Sarah Hutton, Clarendon Press, 1992, p. xxiii - xxix.
Conway, Anne et al. The Conway Letters. Editor Hutton, Sarah, Revised, Clarendon Press, 1992.
Conway, Anne. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. Editor Loptson, Peter, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982.