Richard Henry Tawney

Standard Name: Tawney, Richard Henry
Used Form: R. H. Tawney


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
Jameson met Romer Wilson , Charles Morgan , and J. W. N. Sullivan through her Knopf connections. By about 1924 she and Edith Sitwell had visited each other's homes. Jameson felt that in spite of...
Friends, Associates Ann Oakley
Because of her father's political position, Ann Titmuss was early acquainted with socialist luminaries, including the politicians Richard Crossman and Peter Shore and the academics R. H. Tawney and Professor Peter Townsend . At thirteen...
Intertextuality and Influence Storm Jameson
She dedicated it to Guy Chapman , and acknowledges in her preface the influence of it on his ideas and those of R. H. Tawney .
Literary responses Storm Jameson
Tawney wrote to her twice about this book (of which she had sent him a copy)—the second time to assure her that he thought it excellent and had read it twice over.
Birkett, Jennifer. Margaret Storm Jameson: A Life. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Literary responses Storm Jameson
SJ considered The Journal of Mary Hervey Russell to be one of her best books. She was thrilled by a letter from historian R. H. Tawney , one of her friends and idols, who responded...
politics Amabel Williams-Ellis
AWE 's decision to join the party was brought about by her postwar disillusionment with both the Conservatives and Liberals, and her choice was later confirmed by her readings of Engels and R. H. Tawney


1926: R. H. Tawney's Religion and the Rise of Capitalism...

Building item


R. H. Tawney 's Religion and the Rise of Capitalism was published.
Norman, Edward R. Church and Society in England, 1770-1970. Clarendon, 1976.


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