Ann Oakley

Standard Name: Oakley, Ann
Birth Name: Ann Titmuss
Pseudonym: Rosamund Clay
Married Name: Ann Oakley
Ann Oakley is one of the most influential feminist voices of twentieth-century English sociology. She has worked primarily on the life-experiences which differentiate women from men, like housework, child-bearing, and the operation of gender in the family. She has edited broader collections of essays reflecting on the travails and achievements of the women's movement, and has commented trenchantly on medical culture, the workings of the welfare state, and the epistemology of knowledge in the social sciences. She has also written autobiography, family memoir, novels, and many articles in academic and non-academic journals.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Millicent Garrett Fawcett
She commissioned Ray Strachey , her life-long friend, to be her official biographer; but a feminist of a later generation, Ann Oakley , has speculated that she probably required from Strachey discretion and even self-censorship...
Family and Intimate relationships Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Apparently he had proposed to other young women before being accepted by Millicent. According to Ann Oakley , Millicent's sister Elizabeth may have opposed the marriage because although she herself had declined to marry Henry...
Intertextuality and Influence Simone de Beauvoir
SB 's many honours during her lifetime included the Sonning Prize for European Culture in 1983, and an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University . There is a Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University in...
Literary responses Eva Figes
Ann Oakley , reviewing this book for British Book News, found the chapter on women especially interesting.
British Book News. British Council.
(1976): 694
Literary responses Beatrice Webb
Reviewers chose titles like White Races Birth-rate Problem, which may have owed something to BW 's introduction. Many also felt that women's access to paid work was a threat to population replacement.
Oakley, Ann. Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents’ Early Years. HarperCollins.
Textual Features Lucas Malet
In the last book disaster gathers. Jenny, by now suffering from advanced consumption, visits Mary to tell her (as she has promised herself to tell any lady Jim might marry) how during their lean years...
Textual Features Ray Strachey
Her approach is discreet rather than probing; indeed, Ann Oakley suspects that Fawcett may have empowered her to produce the biography on the understanding that she would exercise discretion.
Oakley, Ann et al. “Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Duty and Determination”. Feminist Theorists, edited by Dale Spender, Reprint, Pantheon Books, pp. 184-02.
Nonetheless, the author's long and...


After 6 February 1918: Sir Hubert Parry wrote his musical setting...

Building item

After 6 February 1918

Sir Hubert Parry wrote his musical setting for William Blake 's Jerusalem to celebrate women's victory in the suffrage struggle: this fact is not (unlike the music, which is now as famous as the poem)...


Oakley, Ann. A Critical Woman: Barbara Wootton, Social Science and Public Policy in the Twentieth Century. Bloomsbury Academic, 2011.
Oakley, Ann. A Proper Holiday. HarperCollins, 1996.
Oakley, Ann. Becoming a Mother. Martin Robinson, 1979.
Oakley, Ann. Essays on Women, Medicine and Health. Edinburgh University Press, 1993.
Oakley, Ann. Experiments in Knowing. Polity Press, 2000.
Oakley, Ann. Father and Daughter: Patriarchy, Gender and Social Science. Policy Press, 2014.
Oakley, Ann. Fracture: Adventures of a Broken Body. Policy Press, 2007.
Oakley, Ann. From Here to Maternity: Becoming a Mother. Penguin, 1981.
Oakley, Ann, and Susanne Houd. Helpers in Childbirth. World Health Organisation, 1990.
Oakley, Ann. Housewife. Allen Lane, 1974.
Lowe, Rodney. “Lessons from the Past: the rise and fall of the classic welfare state in Britain, 1945-76”. The Politics of the Welfare State, edited by Ann Oakley and A. Susan Williams, Institute of Education, 1994.
Oakley, Ann. Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents’ Early Years. HarperCollins, 1996.
Oakley, Ann. Matilda’s Mistake. Virago, 1990.
Oakley, Ann et al. “Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Duty and Determination”. Feminist Theorists, edited by Dale Spender, Reprint, Pantheon Books, 1983, pp. 184-02.
Oakley, Ann et al. Miscarriage. Fontana, 1984.
Oakley, Ann. Scenes Originating in the Garden of Eden. HarperCollins, 1993.
Oakley, Ann. Sex, Gender and Society. Temple Smith, 1972.
Oakley, Ann. Social Support and Motherhood. Basil Blackwell, 1992.
Oakley, Ann. Subject Women. Martin Robinson, 1981.
Oakley, Ann. Taking It Like a Woman. Cape, 1984.
Oakley, Ann. Taking It like a Woman. Flamingo, 1992.
Oakley, Ann. Telling the Truth about Jerusalem. Basil Blackwell, 1986.
Oakley, Ann. The Captured Womb. Basil Blackwell, 1984.
Blackstone, Tessa. “The Education of Girls”. The Rights and Wrongs of Women, edited by Ann Oakley and Juliet Mitchell, Penguin, 1976, pp. 199-16.
Oakley, Ann. The Men’s Room. Virago, 1988.