Robert Liddell

Standard Name: Liddell, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Barbara Pym
As for marriage, BP 's involvements with men as a student must have been to some extent influenced by social pressure to marry. She felt badly let down when Henry Harvey decided to wed another...
Dedications Barbara Pym
She dedicated it to very old friends, Henry Harvey and Robert Liddell .
Smith, Robert Sidney. “’Always Sincere, Not Always Serious’: Robert Liddell and Barbara Pym”. Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.
, No. 4.
Family and Intimate relationships Barbara Pym
Rupert Gleadow cared about BP a great deal, but their romance was an experience which she chose to downplay in her memory and writing. Her long, unsuccessful pursuit of Henry Harvey , who both attracted...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Taylor
Friends said that ET was very shy, but cared very much for very few people.
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen.
She was lucky in that Ivy Compton-Burnett (who was a generation older than she was, and notoriously difficult) and...
Friends, Associates Ivy Compton-Burnett
ICB met the young novelist Robert Liddell , who was writing the first extended critical treatment of her.
Spurling, Hilary. Secrets of a Woman’s Heart. Hodder and Stoughton.
Friends, Associates Barbara Pym
Authors BP , Mary Renault , and Elizabeth Taylor attended a party in Athens given by Pym's longtime friend the novelist and critic Robert Liddell .
Pym, Barbara. A Very Private Eye. Editors Holt, Hazel and Hilary Pym, Macmillan.
Literary responses Elizabeth Taylor
Ivy Compton-Burnett wrote to her friend ET of her great and lasting pleasure in this novel.
Spurling, Hilary. Secrets of a Woman’s Heart. Hodder and Stoughton.
The Book Marketing Council included it on its list of Best Novels of Our Time. Nevertheless most...
Literary responses Elizabeth Taylor
British Book News judged ET to be at the top of her form in these stories,
British Book News. British Council.
(1959): 215
but they were savaged by Walter Allen , who used a damaging comparison with Jan Struther 's...
Literary responses Elizabeth Taylor
Liddell responded warmly to these accounts, whose detail, he felt, was really literature.
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen.
Taylor began asking for letters to be destroyed when her cancer recurred early in the year of her death, and Liddell complied.
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen.
Literary responses Barbara Pym
BP 's father wrote to her on 3 May 1950 commending this novel, which he had not expected to enjoy since he preferred mysteries.
Wyatt-Brown, Anne M. Barbara Pym: A Critical Biography. University of Missouri Press.
Robert Liddell , who had been familiar with it throughout...
Literary responses Barbara Pym
Reviewers, including Elaine Feinstein and Penelope Fitzgerald ,
Allen, Orphia Jane. Barbara Pym: Writing a Life. Scarecrow Press.
were most of them low-key, though Bernard Levin greeted it with a broadside against its village setting, which, he said, reinforced his conviction that the best...
Literary responses Barbara Pym
Her friend Robert Liddell responded with violent disapproval to the posthumous publication of works which BP had without final revision. He called it scraping the meat off Barbara's bones.
Smith, Robert Sidney. “’Always Sincere, Not Always Serious’: Robert Liddell and Barbara Pym”. Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.
, No. 4.
Literary responses Barbara Pym
This became BP 's most widely-reviewed text, and received a mixed reception. Robert Liddell was again outraged, calling this a dreadful book which had only been made possible by the betrayal of Pym's friends in...
Literary responses Elizabeth Taylor
At Mrs. Lippincote's set the tone for reception of ET by attracting very mixed reviews. She treasured praise from L. P. Hartley , Richard Church (who was reminded of Woolf 's Mrs Dalloway), and...
Literary responses Ivy Compton-Burnett
During the early part of ICB 's career she was little regarded or understood. Raymond Mortimer was one of the first to perceive her quality, and she quickly began to attract the attention of younger...


No timeline events available.


Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen, 1986.
King, Francis, and Robert Liddell. “Introduction”. Elizabeth and Ivy, Peter Owen, 1986, pp. 9-13.