Jane Warton

Standard Name: Warton, Jane
Birth Name: Jane Warton
Nickname: Jenny
Pseudonym: A Lady
JW tried her hand at various genres of literature during the later eighteenth century, without making any one her own. She published poetry, essays, conduct books, and a remarkable novel. She may have been an influence on the critical writing of her influential brothers. Much of her writing has failed to survive.


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names Constance Lytton
Her notorious nom de guerre was chosen with no thought of Jane Warton the eighteenth-century writer, but from a sympathetic relative named Warburton (which she altered because of distinguished bearers of that name) and from...
Publishing Samuel Johnson
SJ contributed essays to John Hawkesworth 's periodical The Adventurer (whose contributors also included Catherine Talbot , Hester Mulso (later Chapone) , and Jane Warton ).
Johnson, Samuel. The Idler; and, The Adventurer. Editors Bate, Walter Jackson et al., Yale University Press.
339, 492
Textual Production Hester Mulso Chapone
Her friend Jane Warton shortly afterwards supplied an essay for the same periodical.


March 1748: The Poems of Thomas Warton the elder were...

Writing climate item

March 1748

The Poems of Thomas Warton the elder were published by subscription.

7 November 1752-9 March 1754: The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited...

Writing climate item

7 November 1752-9 March 1754

The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited and published an essay-periodical called the Adventurer, on the model of Johnson 's Rambler.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

Christmas 1819: William Wordsworth presented Lady Mary Lowther...

Women writers item

Christmas 1819

William Wordsworth presented Lady Mary Lowther with a little manuscript volume of poems: those by women were mostly copied from the pages of Poems by Eminent Ladies.


Warton, Jane. Letters Addressed to Two Young Married Ladies. J. Dodsley, 1782.
Warton, Jane. Peggy and Patty, or The Sisters of Ashdale. J. Dodsley, 1783.
Warton, Jane. “Politeness a necessary auxiliary to knowledge and virtue”. Adventurer, edited by John Hawkesworth, Vol.
, pp. 144-50.