Millicent Garrett Fawcett

Standard Name: Fawcett, Millicent Garrett
Birth Name: Millicent Garrett
Married Name: Millicent Fawcett
Indexed Name: Mrs Henry Fawcett
MGF was a very effective political writer. Early in her career, she was well regarded for her works on political economy, which included three successful books and numerous articles and reviews for periodicals including Macmillan's Magazine, the Fortnightly, and the Athenæum. Her writings and speeches on higher education for women were very influential. She wrote two novels; the first was a success, but second has been lost. Later, she became primarily known for her activism and considerable body of works (books, essays, lectures, and speeches) dealing with issues in the women's movement, particularly with women's suffrage.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Elizabeth Robins
While researching her suffrage play, Votes for Women!, ER became an active member of the suffrage movement. In July 1906 she began attending meetings of the Women's Social and Political Union , and her...
politics Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
This prompted Lady Rhondda to call the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act a leaky saucepan.
qtd. in
Eoff, Shirley. Viscountess Rhondda: Equalitarian Feminist. Ohio State University Press, 1991.
Millicent Garrett Fawcett called this decision simply scandalous.
qtd. in
Eoff, Shirley. Viscountess Rhondda: Equalitarian Feminist. Ohio State University Press, 1991.
Nancy, Lady Astor , chair of the Consultative Committee of Women's Organizations
politics Charlotte Despard
She was recruited for the suffrage movement by Annie Kenney and Tessa Billington Greig , and soon became one of its leaders, along with Millicent Fawcett and Emmeline Pankhurst . Of her appointment with the...
politics Eleanor Rathbone
ER succeeded Millicent Garrett Fawcett as President of the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship (NUSEC )—formerly the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS )—a post she held for ten years.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
politics Katharine Tynan
KT became a member of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (established by Millicent Garrett Fawcett in 1897) around 1910, on moving to Tunbridge Wells, where she found a strong Suffrage party.
Tynan, Katharine. The Middle Years. Constable, 1916.
politics Eleanor Rathbone
Like her patriotic colleagues Millicent Garrett Fawcett , Barbara Bodichon , and Ray Strachey , ER was a strong believer in women's fundamental responsibilities as citizens, in their commitment to improving the state despite misogynistic...
politics Lydia Becker
A majority of the Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage voted to affiliate with non-suffrage women's organizations. Dissidents, including LB and Millicent Garrett Fawcett , walked out.
Purvis, June. Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography. Routledge, 2002.
politics Marie Belloc Lowndes
The letter challenged a recent antisuffragist manifesto, and stressed three points from Prime Minister Asquith 's statement to suffragists of 14 August. The points were that women had rendered as effective service to their country...
politics Edith Lyttelton
These women's pay, said the letter, was worse than the sweated wages universally condemned in pre-war days.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(15 February 1921): 6
Later that year, EL was also numbered among the women who tried to help...
politics Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
The magistrate sentenced eleven women (ten arrested outside parliament and one, Sylvia Pankhurst , arrested at the court) to two months in Holloway Prison's second division (which at this time held convicted criminals, while...
politics Stella Benson
After the First World War broke out in August 1914, SB sided with Flora Annie Steel in a Women Writers' Suffrage League dispute over supporting the war. Benson and Steel believed in supporting the war...
politics Isabella Ormston Ford
IOF , whose anti-militarism was in her blood,
qtd. in
Hannam, June. Isabella Ford. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
felt strongly that the woman's movement should denounce the war and decline any co-operation with the government, even for relief work. She believed that peace propaganda...
politics Ray Strachey
Her initial interest in suffrage grew from her association with Lady Strachey and Philippa Strachey , both suffragists and her future in-laws. Ray worked for the nonmilitant constitutionalist Millicent Fawcett , and thought the militant...
politics Emmeline Pankhurst
The WSPU was militant, unlike the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies , a federation of suffrage societies led by Lydia Becker and later by Millicent Garrett Fawcett .
Pankhurst, Sylvia. The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst. Kraus Reprint, 1969.
politics Helen Blackburn
She was a committee member of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women , an organization (founded in 1859) that sought to train women and encourage the provision of job opportunities for them. Other...


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