Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon

Standard Name: Bodichon, Barbara Leigh Smith
Birth Name: Barbara Leigh Smith
Married Name: Barbara Bodichon
BLSB 's literary work emerged from her convictions as a feminist. Her accounts of women's political, legal, and educational disabilities (in lectures, pamphlets, and an important periodical) played a crucial role in mid-Victorian legal reform and the campaigns for improved employment and educational opportunities for women. She also published a travel diary.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Margaret Oliphant
Oliphant's views on the status of women shifted somewhat with time. She dismissed the women's suffrage petition, and represented women who supported suffrage as unnatural. Answering Barbara Bodichon , she argued that marriage was...
Textual Features Anna Brownell Jameson
ABJ 's views on women and work were taken up with enthusiasm by Bessie Rayner Parkes , Barbara Leigh Smith , and other Langham Place Group members who combined their efforts to found the English...
Textual Production Anna Mary Howitt
John Ruskin 's severe censure of a painting intended as her masterpiece (a heroic depiction of Boadiceabrooding over her wrongs, drawn from Barbara Leigh Smith )
Lee, Amice. Laurels & Rosemary: The Life of William and Mary Howitt. Oxford University Press, 1955.
may have impelled AMH to give up exhibiting her work.
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.
Woodring, Carl Ray. Victorian Samplers: William and Mary Howitt. University of Kansas Press, 1952.
Textual Production Anna Mary Howitt
Two months later he reported it as attracting much favourable attention when hung at the Portland Gallery , while AMH 's mother wrote that it was immediately sold, and brought in two commissions.
Woodring, Carl Ray. Victorian Samplers: William and Mary Howitt. University of Kansas Press, 1952.
Textual Production Caroline Norton
This was the year of the founding of the Married Women's Property Committee and of Barbara Leigh Smith 's pamphlet A Brief Summary in Plain Language of the Most Important Laws Concerning Women. But...
Textual Production Jessie Boucherett
During the 1860s JB wrote a number of articles for the English Woman's Journal, the publication begun by Bessie Rayner Parkes and Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (and of whose successor journal she was later editor).
Lacey, Candida Ann, editor. Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon and the Langham Place Group. Routledge, 1987.
Textual Production Bessie Rayner Parkes
In 1848 BRP and her friend Barbara Leigh Smith first began working together to try to publish their writings. Despite an editor's warning not to cast aside the prospect of domestic happiness,
qtd. in
Rendall, Jane. “Friendship and Politics: Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon and Bessie Rayner Parkes”. Sexuality and Subordination: Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Susan Mendus and Jane Rendall, Routledge, 1989, pp. 136-70.
Parkes was...
Textual Production Caroline Frances Cornwallis
She wrote this article at the height of the parliamentary debates on the legal rights of married women. Despite being very ill, CFC was determined to participate in this discourse and give aid to a...
Textual Production Adelaide Procter
AP was involved with her reform-minded friends, including Bessie Rayner Parkes , Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon , and Matilda M. Hays , in helping to found the English Woman's Journal in 1858. She later contributed...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Harriet Martineau
Female Industry is a wide-ranging review covering the 1851 census results, the reports of Poor Law Commissioners on women and children in agriculture, the Governesses' Benevolent Institution , and The Lowell Offering, as well...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text George Eliot
This novel opens at the time of the death of Lorenzo de Medici , when the Florence that he ruled was riven by conflict among the various political intellectual groupings that supported the new learning...
Travel Matilda Betham-Edwards
MBE travelled, in company with Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon , through France and Spain to Algeria, particularly Oran.
Betham-Edwards, Matilda. Reminiscences. G. Redway, 1898, p. vi, 354 pp.
Travel Bessie Rayner Parkes
BRP and Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon met in Paris intending to return to England together. Instead they rented a chalet together near La Celle St Cloud, a village twelve miles outside the city.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia. Macmillan, 1941.
1, 5-6
Travel Matilda Betham-Edwards
MBE spent a week with George Eliot , George Henry Lewes , and Barbara Bodichon at an old rectory at Swanmore in the Isle of Wight, which Bodichon had rented for a Christmas holiday.
Betham-Edwards, Matilda. Reminiscences. G. Redway, 1898, p. vi, 354 pp.
Travel Jessie White Mario
JWM left Italy and travelled to St Ives in Cornwall to convalesce in the company of her friend Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon .
Daniels, Elizabeth Adams. Jessie White Mario: Risorgimento Revolutionary. Ohio University Press, 1972.
112, 141-2n3


No timeline events available.


No bibliographical results available.