Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon

Standard Name: Bodichon, Barbara Leigh Smith
Birth Name: Barbara Leigh Smith
Married Name: Barbara Bodichon
BLSB 's literary work emerged from her convictions as a feminist. Her accounts of women's political, legal, and educational disabilities (in lectures, pamphlets, and an important periodical) played a crucial role in mid-Victorian legal reform and the campaigns for improved employment and educational opportunities for women. She also published a travel diary.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Matilda Hays
In 1855, MH took part in Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon 's Married Women's Property Committee .
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany, 1994.
As an open advocate of women in the early days of middle-class feminism, she commented in Adrienne Hope...
politics Isa Craig
Together with feminist colleagues Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon , Bessie Rayner Parkes , and Emily Davies , IC helped publicise John Stuart Mill's parliamentary nomination.
Hirsch, Pam. Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon 1827-1891: Feminist, Artist and Rebel. Chatto and Windus, 1998.
politics Helen Taylor
HT 's radical socialist principles were evident in her work for educational and land reform, as well as in her effort in 1885 to stand for parliament.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
As Philippa Levine puts it in the Oxford...
politics Lydia Becker
The meeting brought her into touch with the work which responded to the aspirations of her life.
Blackburn, Helen. Women’s Suffrage. Facsimile Edition, Source Book Press, 1970.
She heard Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon read a paper on the enfranchisement of women, and from that...
politics Bessie Rayner Parkes
BRP was a prominent member of the committee (founded this month by Barbara Leigh Smith ) which drew up a petition for a Married Woman's Property Bill.
Strachey, Ray. The Cause: A Short History of the Women’s Movement in Great Britain. Virago, 1978.
politics Emily Davies
Committee members included Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon , Elizabeth Bostock , Isa Craig , Russell Gurney , G. W. Hastings , James Heywood , and Louisa, Lady Goldsmid .
politics Emily Davies
Under the direction of Charlotte Manning , five students began studying at the College at Benslow House, Hitchin, in October 1869.
Stephen, Barbara. Emily Davies and Girton College. Constable, 1927.
210, 219-20
Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon donated some sketches to decorate the walls...
Publishing Bessie Rayner Parkes
BRP and Barbara Leigh Smith (later Bodichon) began writing for the Waverley Journal, by ladies for the cultivation of the memorable, the progressive and the beautiful, which in 1857 was succeeded by the English...
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
Blackwood's published MO 's severe critique of Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon 's Brief Summary . . . of the Laws Concerning Women.
Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 159. Gale Research, 1996.
159: 254
Reception Christina Rossetti
This best-known poem has had myriad editions, often with illustrations, and generated a wide range of interpretation. It resonates powerfully with CR 's Anglicanism , and more particularly her experience at the St Mary Magdalene Penitentiary
Reception Bessie Rayner Parkes
Remembered mostly for her prose contributions to the early feminist movement, BRP also produced poetic creations which deserve not to be dismissed. (Her daughter credits her with admiring the poetry of Percy Shelley and more...
Reception Matilda Hays
In a letter to Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon in 1858, Bessie Rayner Parkes wrote that all goes on like clockwork at the office, under Max, who is the most methodical of workers, & brings all...
Residence Matilda Betham-Edwards
She had there a little house at one end of a picturesque terrace. When Helen C. Black visited her there, her upstairs study was furnished with a Moroccan carpet, pottery from Greece and other countries...
Textual Features Matilda Betham-Edwards
She describes here her journey, with a female friend (actually Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon ), to Spain with the particular purpose of seeing the works of Velasquez , and on to North Africa, in the...
Textual Features Anna Brownell Jameson
ABJ 's views on women and work were taken up with enthusiasm by Bessie Rayner Parkes , Barbara Leigh Smith , and other Langham Place Group members who combined their efforts to found the English...


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