While the present-day plot produces a series of surreal confrontations, it is punctuated by a string of glimpses into the past. These begin when Swanscombe Man (the prehistoric human whose bones are the earliest evidence...
Textual Features
Ann Yearsley
The topic of this tragedy—the political resistance of Godwin
and his family against the supposedly effete, priest-ridden, and Frenchified government of Edward the Confessor
Waldron, Mary. “A Different Kind of Patronage: Ann Yearsley’s Later Friends”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2002, pp. 283-35.
was politically risky in revolutionary times.
Godwin, father of...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Ann Hawkshaw
The sonnets begin with the arrival of human beings on the lands that became Great Britain and wend their way through history, moving through treatments of the English kings including Alfred the Great
and Ethelred the Unready
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Anne Manning
In these medieval stories characters reveal themselves and their motives in speeches or dramatic monologues (a method of history writing—practised from antiquity, and used in English by, for instance, Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland
—which may...
25 December 1066: William of Normandy assumed the throne of...