Cynthia Lawford

Standard Name: Lawford, Cynthia


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Family and Intimate relationships L. E. L.
Scholar Cynthia Lawford notes that Stuart was the maiden name of Jerdan's mother, and that this name is a variant of that of the famous Lady Arbella Stuart , who had briefly stayed in LEL's...
Reception L. E. L.
More recently, however, LEL has been subject to critical revaluation, as feminist critics have questioned the historical processes and aesthetic standards that led to her exclusion from the literary canon, and are developing increasingly complex...


No timeline events available.


Lawford, Cynthia. “’Thou shalt bid thy fair hands rove’: L. E. L.’s Wooing of Sex, Pain, Death and the Editor”. Romanticism on the Net, Vol.
Lawford, Cynthia. “’Turbans, Tea, and Talk of Books’: the Literary Parties of Elizabeth Spence and Elizabeth Benger”. Women’s Writing in Britain, 1660-1830 Conference, University of Southampton and Chawton House Library.
Lawford, Cynthia. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 18, pp. 36-7.