Organizations: L
London Hospital
London Hospital Medical College, University of London
London Independent Producers
London International Futures Exchange
London International Lyceum Club
London Library
London Management
London Mathematical Society
London Medieval Society
London Mesmeric Infirmary
London Missionary Society
London Municipal Society and Ratepayers' Union
London Music Hall Owners Protection Society
London Night Club
London Nuclear Information Unit
London Obstetrical Society
London Orchestral Union of Professional Musicians
London Palladium
London Pavilion
London Philharmonic Orchestra
London Poetry Secretariat
London Public Record Office
London Rape Crisis Centre
London Review Bookshop
London Revolution Society
London School Board
London School of Dental Surgery
London School of Fashion
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London School of Journalism
London School of Medicine for Women
London School of Weaving
London Schoolmistresses' Association
London Seminars
London Sinfonietta
London Society for Extension of University Teaching
London Society for the Encouragement of Faithful Female Servants
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching
London Society for the Promotion of Christianity among the Jews
London Society for the Protection of Young Females
London Society of Compositors
London Society of Lithographic Printers
London Spiritualist Alliance
London Stereoscopic Company
London Stock Exchange
London Symphony
London Symphony Orchestra
London Synagogue
London Template Workers' Fund
London Terminal Aerodrome