Organizations: L
Lloyds Bank
Lobero Theatre
Local Council of Women
Local Education Authorities
Local Electors Association
Local Government Board
Local Health Authorities
Local Supervising Authorities
Lock Asylum
Lock Hospital
Lodge Dharma
Logographic Press
London and Birmingham Railway
London and Brighton Railway
London and Greenwich Railway
London and Paddington Steam Carriage Company
London and South Western Railway
London and Westminster Review
London Anti-Vivisection Society
London Arts Board
London Assurance Corporation
London Bach Choir
London Book Fair
London Booksellers' Society
London Brighton and South Coast Railway
London Chamber of Commerce
London Chest Hospital
London Children's Ballet
London City Council
London City Mission
London Clinic
London College of Printing
London Committee for Suppressing the Traffic in British Girls
London Corresponding Society
London Diocesan Deaconess Institution
London Ethical Society
London Executive Committee
London Female Mission
London Female Preventive and Reformation Institute
London Festival Ballet
London Film Productions
London Fire Brigade
London Gallery
London General Mourning Warehouse
London General Omnibus Company
London Gospel Standard Baptist Trust
London Graduates' Union for Women's Suffrage
London Group
London Guildhall University