Organizations: C
Church Assembly
Church Commissioners
Church Congress
Church Farm
Church Fellowship of Psychic Study
Church League for Women's Suffrage
Church Missionary Association
Church Missionary Society
Church of England Institute
Church of England Moral Welfare Council
Church of England Purity Society
Church of England Temperance Society
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Church of Scotland
Church of Scotland Mission
Church of St Mary the Virgin
Church of St Nicholas
Church of the Sacré-Coeur
Church Pastoral Aid Society
Church Penitentiary Association
Church Reform League
Church Schools Company
Church Socialist League
Churches Conservation Trust
Churchill Archives Centre
Churchill College, Cambridge University
Cinema Visitors
Cistercian Abbaye de Pontigny
Citizens Advice Bureaux
Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow
City and Guilds College
City and South London Railway
City and Suburban Electric Carriage Company
City College, New York
City Lights
City Literary Institute
City of Dublin Hospital
City of Dublin Nursing Institution
City of Leeds School
City of London Building Society
City of London Corporation
City of London Polytechnic
City Printing Office, Bristol
City Temple
City University of New York
City University, London
Civil Defence
Civil Laws Committee
Civil Liberties Press Bureau