Organizations: C

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Charter 88
Charter School
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Charterhouse School
Chartist Council of Birmingham
Chartist Land Co-operative Company
Chatham College
Chatto and Windus
Chawton House Library
Chekhov Theatre Studio
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Chelsea Art School
Chelsea Building Society
Chelsea College
Chelsea Hospital for Women
Chelsea Nursing Home
Chelsea Palace Theatre
Chelsea Physic Garden
Chelsea School of Art
Cheltenham College
Cheltenham Festival
Cheltenham Ladies' College
Cheltenham Literary and Philosophical Institution
Chemical Society
Chemical Society of London
Chemie Grunenthal
Cheshire and Chester Archives and Local Studies Service
Chesnut Street Theater
Chester County (PA) Historical Society
Chester Record Office
Chester Women's Suffrage Society
Chesterfield Settlement House
Chesterton Hospital
Chetham's Library
Chicago Corset Company
Chicago Federation of Labor
Chicago Little Theatre
Chicago Opera House
Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute
Chicago Women's Symphony
Chicago's Century of Progress Exposition
Chicken Shed
Child Welfare Clinic
Child Welfare Committee of the League of Nations
Children of Flanders Rescue Committee