It had first appeared in the anthology, The Fairies Return, published by Peter Davies
Cummins, Geraldine. Dr. E. Œ. Somerville: A Biography. Andrew Dakers, 1952.
Rumer Godden
She wrote this novel, she said, in her father-in-law's surgery in a London suburb, pregnant, while her first husband enjoyed his leave on golf-courses up and down Britain. Her pekinese puppy (a breed which...
Textual Production
Christina Stead
At the outset of her literary career CS
published with Peter Davies
a remarkable collection of stories, The Salzburg Tales.
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Textual Production
Rumer Godden
's second published novel, The Lady and the Unicorn, appeared from Peter Davies
Simpson, Hassell A. Rumer Godden. Twayne, 1973.
Textual Production
Norah Lofts
began using the pseudonym Peter Curtis
once she started writing crime novels, as she did not want to lose readers who preferred her historical fiction. She formed her masculine pseudonym by combining the name...
Peter Davies
posthumously published the first of a three-volume collection of Plays by Gordon Daviot (also known as JT
), with a foreword by Sir John Gielgud
(though without any overview of Daviot's career to...
Textual Production
Josephine Tey
At the end of 1945 JT
signed the contract, which gave her a royalty of five per cent, with various rights to the Citizens' Theatre. The opening in London (at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
No timeline events available.
Baldwin, Arthur Windham, third Earl. The Macdonald Sisters. Peter Davies, 1961.
Barrie, Sir J. M. Letters of J.M. Barrie. Editor Meynell, Viola, Peter Davies, 1942.
Barrie, Sir J. M. The Boy David. Uniform ed., Peter Davies, 1938.
Bellerby, Frances. Hath the Rain a Father?. Peter Davies, 1946.
Bellerby, Frances. Plash Mill: Poems. Peter Davies, 1946.
Bellerby, Frances. The Acorn and the Cup. Peter Davies, 1948.
Bellerby, Frances. The Brightening Cloud and Other Poems. Peter Davies, 1949.
Du Maurier, Daphne, editor. The Young George du Maurier: A Selection of His Letters, 1860-1867. Peter Davies, 1951.
Gielgud, Sir John, and Josephine Tey. “Foreword”. Plays by Gordon Daviot, Peter Davies, 1954, p. ix - xii.
Smyth, Ethel. Female Pipings in Eden. Second Edition, Peter Davies, 1934.
Somerville, Edith. Notes of the Horn: Hunting Verse, Old and New. Peter Davies, 1934.
Stead, Christina. House of All Nations. Peter Davies, 1938.
Stead, Christina. “O, If I Could But Shiver”. The Fairies Return: New Tales for Old, edited by Peter Llewelyn Davies, Peter Davies, 1934.
Stead, Christina. Seven Poor Men of Sydney. Peter Davies, 1934.
Stead, Christina. The Beauties and the Furies. Peter Davies, 1936.
Stead, Christina. The Salzburg Tales. Peter Davies, 1934.
Taylor, Elizabeth. A Game of Hide-and-Seek. Peter Davies, 1951.
Taylor, Elizabeth. A View of the Harbour. Peter Davies, 1947.
Taylor, Elizabeth. A Wreath of Roses. Peter Davies, 1949.
Taylor, Elizabeth. Angel. Peter Davies, 1957.
Taylor, Elizabeth. At Mrs. Lippincote’s. Peter Davies, 1945.
Taylor, Elizabeth. Hester Lilly, and Other Stories. Peter Davies, 1954.
Taylor, Elizabeth. In a Summer Season. Peter Davies, 1961.
Taylor, Elizabeth. Palladian. Peter Davies, 1946.
Taylor, Elizabeth. The Blush, and Other Stories. Peter Davies, 1958.