William Collins


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Literary responses Ngaio Marsh
The Collins reader wrote: It is witty, the setting is impressive, the plot is tidily organised and the solution is dramatic.NM 's powers were, her publishers felt, marvellously undiminished.
Lewis, Margaret. Ngaio Marsh: A Life. Chatto & Windus, 1991.
Publishing Ngaio Marsh
With this book she moved from Geoffrey Bles, who had published her first seven novels, to Collins . She felt guilty about this move, but she joined a stable including Agatha Christie , and...
Publishing Mary Agnes Hamilton
Again she tried a new publisher, W. Collins Sons .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
Publishing Molly Keane
She wrote it secretly under the bedclothes, to combat boredom when, as a schoolgirl, she was sent home and kept in bed with something that was incorrectly suspected to be tuberculosis. Published by Mills and Boon
Publishing Molly Keane
Her children were grown up and she was, she says, doing nothing. She began writing in the same secrecy as at the beginning of her career, still finding the process painful.
Chamberlain, Mary, editor. Writing Lives: Conversations Between Women Writers. Virago Press, 1988.
Billy Collins ,...
Publishing Rosamond Lehmann
For this novel she changed her publisher to Collins , who had made her a generous offer a couple of years before. She set out not to hurt the feelings of Harold Raymond of Chatto and Windus
Publishing Rosamond Lehmann
She had finished writing this novel on 15 October 1952, after a long struggle, in emotionally trying circumstances and finding the project intractable. Instead of their customary £750 advance, Collins this time offered her the...
Publishing Rosamond Lehmann
RL received a five-hundred-pound advance from Collins for this work.
Hastings, Selina. Rosamond Lehmann. Chatto and Windus, 2002.
For a Virago paperback reprint of 1982 she wrote, late in the previous year, an Epilogue.
Reception Rosamond Lehmann
Carmen Callil , editor of Virago Press , approached Adrian House , RL 's editor at Collins , about re-issuing her work: he repelled this suggestion, condemning Virago as fairly pronounced feminists.
qtd. in
Hastings, Selina. Rosamond Lehmann. Chatto and Windus, 2002.
Textual Production Buchi Emecheta
The book was published by William Collins in London. It appeared in New York from George Braziller as The Family in March 1990, and in Heinemann 's African Writers Series under its original title...
Textual Production Ngaio Marsh
In 1942 NM produced, in collaboration with the historian R. M. Burdon , a volume entitled New Zealand in Collins 's series The British Commonwealth in Pictures. Its twelve colour prints of New Zealand...
Textual Production Dorothy Wellesley
DW set up her own Penns in the Rocks Press and in conjunction with publishers William Collins produced volumes of Byron and Shelley each illustrated in black-and-white and colour.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Molly Keane
MK wrote eleven novels under the name of M. J. Farrell. Ten were published by William Collins , who kept urging her to write more.
Chamberlain, Mary, editor. Writing Lives: Conversations Between Women Writers. Virago Press, 1988.
She used a pseudonym because her friends disliked...
Textual Production Molly Keane
This was the first of ten novels published by Collins under this pseudonym. MK wrote it because she decided that that was the way to get another £70.
qtd. in
Chamberlain, Mary, editor. Writing Lives: Conversations Between Women Writers. Virago Press, 1988.
Textual Production Molly Keane
She used the pseudonym M. J. Farrell when the play was published by Collins the same year.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
The play opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in London. Perry had urged her to write it, against...


1939: The Reprint Society was founded by the publishers...

Writing climate item


The Reprint Society was founded by the publishers William Collins , Macmillan , Heinemann , and Hodder and Stoughton .
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 112. Gale Research, 1991.


Bowen, Elizabeth. English Novelists. William Collins, 1942.
Emecheta, Buchi. Gwendolen. William Collins, 1989.
O’Brien, Kate. English Diaries and Journals. William Collins, 1943.
Sitwell, Edith. English Women. William Collins, 1942.