Queen's College, London


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Florence Farr
FF studied at Queen's College , London, but did not pursue any regular course of study and often abstained from examinations.
Johnson, Josephine. Florence Farr: Bernard Shaw’s new woman. Colin Smythe, 1975.
Education Sarah Williams
Around 1852, she attended Queen's College, London , but was forced to leave because of illness.
Plumptre, Edward Hayes, and Sarah Williams. “Memoir”. Twilight Hours: A Legacy of Verse, Strahan, 1868, p. vii - xxxiii.
vii, xii
Education Mary Wesley
Mary Farmar (later MW ) attended Queen's College in London for just two terms.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Marnham, Patrick. Wild Mary: the Life of Mary Wesley. Chatto and Windus, 2006.
Education Katherine Mansfield
Kathleen Beauchamp (later KM ) and two of her sisters attended Queen's College , Harley Street, London.
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Education Julia Wedgwood
Her parents were active in the founding of Queen's College in May 1848. There and at Bedford College , JW attended lectures by F. D. Maurice and Francis Newman . James Martineau was also an influence.
Herford, Charles Harold, and Julia Wedgwood. “Frances Julia Wedgwood: A Memoir by the Editor”. The Personal Life of Josiah Wedgwood the Potter, Macmillan, 1915, p. xi - xxx.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Education Valentine Ackland
Until the age of sixteen, VA was educated at Queen's College in Harley Street, London, which she likened to a convent and described as a most expensive public school for young ladies.
Ackland, Valentine. For Sylvia: An Honest Account. Chatto and Windus, 1985.
Mulford, Wendy. This Narrow Place. Pandora, 1988.
Education Adelaide Procter
In 1850, AP was among the first students to attend Queen's College for women students. One of the teachers here was Charles Kingsley , and it has been argued that she was more influenced by...
Education Gertrude Bell
GB attended Queen's College , a girls' school in Harley Street, London; that her parents sent her there reflected both Gertrude's outstanding intellectual abilities and her parents' progressive attitudes toward girls' education, for most...
Education Beatrice Harraden
BH was educated at Dresden in Germany, then at Cheltenham Ladies' College (a secondary school), Queen's College , and Bedford College . She graduated from London University with a BA in Arts, having studied...
Education Sophia Jex-Blake
SJB began the term at Queen's College, London , having astonished her peers by expressing a desire to become a teacher (a controversial decision for one of her social class), in order to rectify the...
Employer Sophia Jex-Blake
While she was a student at Queen's College, London , SJB became by invitation a maths tutor there. For this she received a salary, her acceptance of which was disparaged by her father, who wrote...
Employer Penelope Fitzgerald
After the war PF worked chiefly as a journalist and teacher. The story goes that she adopted elaborate procedures to conceal her identity when submitting work to Punch, which was under her father's editorship...
Family and Intimate relationships Emily Davies
ED 's early awareness of the movement for women's education developed through her brother Llewelyn 's involvement with F. D. Maurice in Queen's College , Harley Street, London. Llewelyn became Principal of the College from 1873 to 1886.
Stephen, Barbara. Emily Davies and Girton College. Constable, 1927.
Family and Intimate relationships Lucas Malet
LM 's father was the Rev. Charles Kingsley , a clergyman who was already making a name as a Christian social activist and a novelist. Before her birth he had also held a part-time appointment...
Family and Intimate relationships Ethel Lilian Voynich
ELV 's mother, Mary (Everest) Boole , was an English educationist, scholar and spiritualist.
Gray, Anne, and Pam Blevins. The World of Women in Classical Music. WordWorld Publications, 2007, pp. 876-7.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Mary Boole
Having been tutored in France, boarded at a school in England, and educated by her father, Mary...


1843: The Governesses' Benevolent Association was...

Building item


The Governesses' Benevolent Association was founded in London.
Turner, Barry. Equality for Some: The Story of Girls’ Education. Ward Lock Educational, 1974.
Kamm, Josephine. Indicative Past: A Hundred Years of The Girls’ Public Day School Trust. Allen and Unwin, 1971.

1 May 1848: Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not...

Building item

1 May 1848

Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not a post-secondary institution) was founded in London to educate prospective governesses and improve girls' education generally.
Kamm, Josephine. Indicative Past: A Hundred Years of The Girls’ Public Day School Trust. Allen and Unwin, 1971.
Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.

4 April 1850: The North London Collegiate School for Ladies,...

Building item

4 April 1850

The North London Collegiate School for Ladies , founded by Frances Mary Buss as her own venture, re-opened with its new and enduring name at its new address, 46 Camden Street.
Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.
Kamm, Josephine. Indicative Past: A Hundred Years of The Girls’ Public Day School Trust. Allen and Unwin, 1971.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Buss
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/.

11 October 1866: Alexandra College, Dublin, was founded by...

Building item

11 October 1866

Alexandra College , Dublin, was founded by Anne Jellicoe .
O’Connor, Anne V. “The Revolution in Girls’ Secondary Education in Ireland, 1860-1910”. Girls Don’t Do Honours: Irish Women in Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Mary Cullen, Women’s Education Bureau, 1987, pp. 31-54.
Moody, Theodore William et al., editors. A New History of Ireland. Clarendon, 1976–2025, 10 vols.
8: 339


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