attended Eton
, and four years after leaving school enrolled for a while at the University of Leiden
. After the premature end of his career as a theatre manager he enrolled as a...
Oliver Goldsmith
After various local schools he attended Trinity College, Dublin
, as a sizar: a poor student who financed his course by acting as a servant to other students. He was often in trouble with the...
Bernard Mandeville
He studied philosophy and medicine at the University of Leiden
, earning the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1691.
Mandeville, Bernard. “Introduction”. The Fable of the Bees, edited by Phillip Harth, Penguin Classics, Penguin, 1989, pp. 7-50.
Textual Production
Ann Fisher
A few of AF
's letters have survived and reached print. (Those to John Cunningham
are among his published correspondence.) Some are being edited by Maria E. Rodriguez-Gil
for a database of letters in progress...
Elizabeth Burnet
In 1707 EB
travelled in Europe with three stepchildren, one of her objects being to settle the eldest and youngest of her stepsons to spend a year at the University of Leyden
. As well...
1575: The University of Leiden was founded as a...
Building item
The University of Leiden
was founded as a centre of Protestant learning (as were a number of new Oxford
and Cambridge
colleges at about this time, with the same religio-political agenda).
Trim, David J. B. “Sir Thomas Bodley and the International Protestant Cause”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.