King's College, University of London


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Sarojini Naidu
Sarojini Chattopadhyaya (later SN ) continued her studies at English universities, first King's College, London , and then Girton College, Cambridge .
Sengupta, Padmini. Sarojini Naidu: A Biography. Asia Publishing House.
28, 32
Naidu, Sarojini. “Introduction and Notes”. Sarojini Naidu, Selected Letters 1890s to 1940s, edited by Makarand Paranjape, Kali for Women, p. Various pages.
viii, 1n2, 35-7
Education Kathleen Nott
KN attended the highly respected Mary Datchelor School before moving on to King's College , London, for a year. After securing an open exhibition in English (the only subject I could get up...
Education Anne Ridler
Anne Bradby (later AR ) took a diploma in journalism at King's College , London.
Ridler, Anne. Memoirs. The Perpetua Press, p. 240 pp.
Backscheider, Paula R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 27. Gale Research.
27: 299
Education Evelyn Underhill
EU enlisted in the recently established Ladies' Department of King's College in Kensington.
Greene, Dana. Evelyn Underhill: Artist of the Infinite Life. Crossroad.
Education Radclyffe Hall
Later, in her teens, she attended a fashionable day-school in Kensington run by Miss Coles . She also briefly attended King's College, London , and spent a year studying in Dresden.
Cline, Sally. Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John. John Murray.
Education Susan Hill
SH was awarded her BA Honours in English from King's College, London University .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Education Virginia Woolf
Virginia Stephen (later VW ) began studying Latin and classics with Dr George Warr at the Kensington Ladies' Department of King's College, London . She did not take the exams, however.
Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus.
Education Storm Jameson
After completing her undergraduate degree at Leeds she won, the same year, a John Ruteau Fellowship. It was intended for study at University College, London , but she soon transferred to King's College .
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 36. Gale Research.
36: 70
Jameson, Storm. Journey from the North. Harper and Row.
55,58, 64
Education Anita Brookner
AB was educated at James Allen's Girls' School in Dulwich, South London. She embarked on a general BA at King's College, London but found the course boring. At the suggestion of a lunchtime lecturer...
Education Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
As an adult, MEC studied English Literature at King's College for Women ; she took a particular interest in Elizabethan drama.
Jackson, Vanessa Furse. “Breaking the Quiet Surface: The Shorter Poems of Mary Coleridge”. English Literature in Transition, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 41-62.
Presumably this was during the years when this institution was known as King's College London Ladies' Department
Education Maureen Duffy
MD attended King's College, London , where she obtained an honours BA in English in 1956.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research.
Employer May Cannan
MC 's next jobs were working as a secretary at King's College, London , and then as Assistant Librarian at the Athenaeum , where her skill at finding obscure references became legendary.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books.
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
At first a private tutor of Italian, Gabriele gained some prestige but no direct financial advantage when he was appointed Professor of Italian at King's College (founded in August 1829).
Rossetti, Christina. “Memoir; Notes”. The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti, edited by William Michael Rossetti, Norwood, pp. xlv - lxxi; 459.
He was also a...
Family and Intimate relationships Iris Tree
IT 's mother, Maud (Holt) Tree , taught classics at Queen's College , Harley Street and harboured the ambition of becoming an academic at Girton College .
Queen's College was founded for the training of...
Family and Intimate relationships Flora Macdonald Mayor
FMM 's father, Joseph Bickersteth Mayor , was a clergyman and a professor of classics, later of moral philosophy, at King's College, University of London .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Oldfield, Sybil. Spinsters of This Parish: The Life and Times of FM Mayor and Mary Sheepshanks. Virago.
Morgan, Janet. “Introduction: The Squire’s Daughter”. The Rector’s Daughter, Virago, p. v - xii.
He was the eighth in a household...


14 August 1829: King's College, University of London, was...

National or international item

14 August 1829

King's College, University of London , was founded and given a charter; it opened its doors two years later.

1 May 1848: Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not...

Building item

1 May 1848

Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not a post-secondary institution) was founded in London to educate prospective governesses and improve girls' education generally.

9 April 1858: Queen Victoria signed the royal charter giving...

Building item

9 April 1858

Queen Victoria signed the royal charter giving London University (then comprised of two schools, University College and King's College ) the revolutionary power of offering courses and degrees externally.

1952: Rosalind Franklin began her research in molecular...

Building item


Rosalind Franklin began her research in molecular biology at King's College .

1953: Queen Elizabeth College, London University,...

Building item


Queen Elizabeth College, London University , was incorporated with a royal charter as a mixed-sex institution. Having developed from a subsidiary women's branch of King's College, London , it was folded back into King's in 1985.

1953: Queen Elizabeth College, London University,...

Building item


Queen Elizabeth College, London University , was incorporated with a royal charter as a mixed-sex institution. Having developed from a subsidiary women's branch of King's College, London , it was folded back into King's in 1985.

1975: Anne Sayre, in her biography Rosalind Franklin...

Building item


Anne Sayre , in her biography Rosalind Franklin and DNA, set the record straight about Franklin's part in the Nobel-prize-winning research previously credited exclusively to James D. Watson , Francis Crick , and Maurice Wilkins .


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