St Hugh's College, Oxford University


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Mary Renault
MR attended St Hugh's College, Oxford , from which she graduated with a Class Three BA degree.
Sweetman, David. Mary Renault: A Biography. Chatto and Windus.
20, 37
Education Mary Renault
When MR arrived at St Hugh's College , its reputation was at a very low ebb because of a series of events culminating in what was termed the Row. An Adventure, a book...
Education Joanna Trollope
JT attended Reigate County School for Girls and from there won a place at St Hugh's College, Oxford . She says she only really started to enjoy education when I got to university. Till then...
Education Patricia Beer
PB gained her final qualification, the graduate degree of BLitt from St Hugh's College, Oxford .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Education Patricia Beer
From the council school PB gained entrance to grammar school, from which in turn she won a place at Exeter University , where she took a first-class BA in English. Later she came to feel...
Education Brigid Brophy
BB went up to St Hugh's College , Oxford, on the Jubilee Scholarship (reserved for exceptional candidates); she was, however, sent down for drunkenness and raucous behaviour
Murdoch, Iris. Living on Paper. Editors Horner, Avril and Ann Rowe, Chatto and Windus.
after four terms.
Brophy, Brigid. “Afterword”. The King of a Rainy Country, Virago.
Education Lucille Iremonger
Later she wrote that her three years at St Hugh's College, Oxford , went by like a swift dream.
Iremonger, Lucille. Yes, My Darling Daughter. Secker and Warburg.
She took her BA in English Language and Literature. She later recorded that an unnamed...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Yonge
Probably CY 's closest friend was Marianne Dyson , an unmarried invalid twenty years her senior, to whom she habitually signed her letters as Your loving Slave.
Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company.
Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company.
The family of George and Mary Anne Moberly
Textual Features Lucille Iremonger
It relates the story told in a book called An Adventure, 1911, by Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Frances Jourdain , Principal and Deputy Principal of St Hugh's College (which LI herself had attended). In...


1870: Oxford University permitted the Delegacy...

Building item


Oxford University permitted the Delegacy of Local Examinations to examine girls in secondary education.

October 1886: St Hugh's College for women was founded at...

Building item

October 1886

St Hugh's College for women was founded at Oxford University; its first principal was Anne Moberly .

4 July 1985: At the age of thirteen, maths prodigy Ruth...

Building item

4 July 1985

At the age of thirteen, maths prodigy Ruth Lawrence became the youngest Briton to earn a starred first-class degree when she graduated from St Hugh's College , Oxford.


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