Royal Opera House, Covent Garden


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Emma Robinson
About the time she published her first novel, ER also composed a three-act play entitled Richelieu in Love.
The duc de Richelieu , churchman and statesman,Cardinal and French Prime Minister, had had areputation as...
Reception George Orwell
This book too has achieved iconic status. It is probably more responsible than Animal Farm for the establishment of the adjective Orwellian in the English language to signify much that Orwell particularly detested and attacked...
Residence Fanny Kemble
FK gave an emotional farewell performance at Covent Garden before embarking on an American tour with her father and Aunt Dall .
Clinton, Catherine. Fanny Kemble’s Civil Wars. Simon and Schuster.
Residence Christabel Pankhurst
CP marked her return from Paris with a triumphal appearance at Covent Garden Opera House in London.
Winslow, Barbara, and Sheila Rowbotham. Sylvia Pankhurst: Sexual Politics and Political Activism. UCL Press.
Textual Production Susan Ferrier
Though her authorship of Marriage had become to some extent known, she insisted on publishing her second novel anonymously, writing to her sister that she could not bear the fuss of authorism!
Cullinan, Mary. Susan Ferrier. Twayne.
Blackwood paid...
Textual Production Fanny Kemble
One critic argues that FK equated her life on the stage with a kind of slavery and therefore developed a keen sympathy for those in bondage; however, the actual conditions of slavery were probably quite...
Textual Production Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
The White Pilgrim; or, Castle of Olival, published, with SSW 's name, as translated from the popular French novel, Le Pelerin Blanc (by René-Charles Guilbert de Pixérécourt ), no doubt stemmed in actuality from...
Textual Production Frances Burney
Thomas Harris , manager of Covent Garden Theatre , informed FB 's brother Charles that he planned to stage her comedy Love and Fashion in March 1800.
Burney, Frances. The Complete Plays of Frances Burney. Editor Sabor, Peter, William Pickering.
1: 105
Textual Production Hannah Cowley
HC soon became a woman of the theatre. She wrote prologues and epilogues for others, and contributed a scene to Charles Dibdin 's pantomime The Touchstone; or, Harlequin Traveller, which opened at Covent Garden
Textual Production Ruth Fainlight
During the 1990s RF wrote three opera libretti. First, composer Erika Fox , commissioned by Covent Garden Opera House for their series The Garden Venture, invited Fainlight to provide a chamber opera libretto, and...
Textual Production Fanny Kemble
FK published Francis the First: An Historical Drama in verse under her own name; it appeared in the United States as Francis the First ; a Tragedy in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden


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