Philip Dormer Stanhope fourth Earl of Chesterfield
Katherine Chidley
was the first woman to take up her pen in the political and religious crisis of the mid seventeenth century. Her pamphlets urge parliament to replace Anglicanism not by Presbyterianism but by Independency
Lydia Maria Child
, nineteenth-century American woman of letters, published novels, children's books, domestic-advice books, newspaper articles and columns in the form of letters, as well as biography, controversial works against slavery, a remarkable history of world...
devoted much of her life to helping British nineteenth-century emigrants (particularly women and working-class families) to travel to Australia, and her writing was primarily dedicated to this cause. She produced numerous tracts on...
wrote mainly popular fiction in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that was often both melodramatic and satiric. Her corpus includes novels, short stories, family memoirs, and some articles. It was largely ignored...
Kate Chopin
Considered a St Louis writer of local colour for much of her career, KC
attracted such notoriety following the publication of her novel The Awakening and its subsequent canonization by feminist critics that this work...
, the Duchess of Death, produced eighty books, including sixty-six novels and detective fictions, and fourteen of short stories as well as poetry and suspense drama. At the height of her career she...
Christine de Pisan
wrote for a living (years before any woman did this in Britain). She is remarkable both as a sophisticated, polished, and versatile writer of poetry in French, and as a proto-feminist. Her...
Mary, Lady Chudleigh
, was a versatile writer who began publishing during her middle age. Her poems and essays are earnest on religious topics but vividly dramatic in feminist debate. She wrote letters which were...
, widely recognised as one of the top contemporary British dramatists, has written plays for radio, television, and the stage. Many of her plays are developed in workshop settings, in collaboration with theatre groups...
, a French writer and academic, is best known to English-speaking audiences as a literary critic associated with French feminism of the 1970s and 80s, and as proponent of écriture féminine. She herself...
is a contemporary prose-writer and poet who also reviews regularly. She has published a remarkable memoir about a woman who fled to Britain as an asylum-seeker from the Albanian mountains, as well as texts...
Jane Hume Clapperton
wrote several works of social theory in the late nineteenth century that combined her feminist ethos with her concern for the social problems facing contemporary England. She advanced a philosophy of social...
wrote for the support of her family (whose supposedly distinguished origins were very important to her). Between 1798 and 1819 she published four novels, a volume of poems, and another of stories. Much other...
Charles Cowden Clarke
Gillian Clarke
, a Welsh poet who began writing in the later twentieth century, has been called by the Literary Reviewone of the leading poets and poetry teachers of her generation.
Clarke, Gillian, and Sheenagh Pugh. “Poems”. The Literary Review: Re-Imagining Wales, edited by Tony Curtis and Christopher Meredith, Vol.
was a leading nineteenth-century Shakespearean scholar, who (in collaboration with her husband, Charles Cowden Clarke
) annotated editions, compiled a concordance, and wrote a key or encyclopaedia, and on her own account produced an...
, sister of the more famous Irish writer Sydney Morgan
, reads like an eighteenth-century writer though she was active in the early nineteenth century. She produced spirited light verse (always good-humoured though sometimes...
Agnes Mary Clerke
was a self-taught astronomer whose scientific writings won praise and recognition in the later nineteenth century. She published several authoritative texts and contributed to various periodicals. Her writings spanned a wide range of subjects...