George Herbert

Standard Name: Herbert, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Frances Ridley Havergal
FRH was an avid reader within limits: her selection of material was mostly dictated by her religious interests. After receiving a copy of a book about literary women she commented, The sad sketch of L. E. L.
Education Mary Linskill
ML was taught to read by her aunt Hannah Tireman , a professional upholsterer.
Stamp, Cordelia. Mary Linskill. Caedmon of Whitby.
She said later that she began to read both prose and poetry with avidity at an early age.
Bainton, George, editor. The Art of Authorship. J. Clarke.
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Plath
SP 's son, Nicholas Farrar Hughes , was born at home in Plath's and Hughes 's house, Court Green in Devon, and named after the seventeenth-century Nicholas Ferrar , whom Ted Hughes claimed as...
Friends, Associates Lady Anne Clifford
Though LAC was at enmity with her first husband's brother Edward Sackville (because her husband left all his assets to her while his brother received little but the title), she enjoyed a friendship with his...
Intertextuality and Influence Sheenagh Pugh
SP cites her favourite English-language poet as the Scottish ChaucerianRobert Henryson . Other favourites include Sir Thomas Wyatt , George Herbert , Louis MacNeice , Louise Glück , and Edwin Morgan . SP has...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Hester Pulter
The poem that stands first in the volume, The Eclipse, characteristically combines religious with physical, cosmic imagery. The poet's soul longs to return whence she had her birth,
Pulter, Lady Hester. Poems, Emblems, and The Unfortunate Florinda. Editor Eardley, Alice, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies .
but is bound by...
Intertextuality and Influence Monica Furlong
She begins arrestingly: We live in a period in which it is not possible to talk meaningfully about God.
Furlong, Monica. The End of Our Exploring. Hodder and Stoughton.
She then posits an absolute human need for meaning and for myth (the core...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Chandler
MC was said to have loved poetry from her childhood. She admired George Herbert , and Horace in English translation, because of their freedom from heroic or military sentiment.
Intertextuality and Influence Grace Nichols
The night of blessing comes to interrupt the poet's unhappy relationship with No-Sleep, which Like a cruel lover or spiteful mistress . . . demands my restless attentiveness.
Nichols, Grace. “The Saturday poem: One Night Comes Like a Blessing”.
Nichol's range of reference is huge, taking...
Intertextuality and Influence Wendy Cope
Cope makes free with the category Tumps (typically useless male poets), yet her poems to or about men are typically loving in tone: for her father, her husband, George Herbert (who is Dear George although...
Intertextuality and Influence Kate O'Brien
KOB indicates her seriousness by her choice of title: it is quoted from a sonnet by George Herbert which consists entirely of definitions or periphrases for prayer, of which this is one.
Reynolds, Lorna. Kate O’Brien: A Literary Portrait. Colin Smythe; Barnes and Noble.
The novel...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
The fact that Mary Sidney did not print the psalms, as she did her brother's poems, says something about her attitudes both to print and to her own ranked and gendered identity as an author...
Intertextuality and Influence Elaine Feinstein
EF says her fiction and poetry come from different parts of herself: the voice, the cadences, the rhythms are very different. She sees fiction as involving impersonation of other people.
Pacernick, Gary. Meaning and Memory: Interviews with Fourteen Jewish Poets. Ohio State University Press.
For the craft of...
Literary responses Mary Ferrar
The hold exerted on T. S. Eliot 's imagination by Little Gidding seems to have been produced by the idea of the community, not by their texts. His poem Little Gidding gives little hint that...
Occupation Elizabeth Isham
Her needlework included doing Irish stitch, tent stitch, and purse-work, making bone lace and bodices, and knitting stockings, and she often gathered flowers in order to copy them in stitching.
Isham, Elizabeth. “Diary”. Constructing Elizabeth Isham.
Isham, Elizabeth. “Booke of Rememberances”. Constructing Elizabeth Isham, edited by Elizabeth Clarke.
It is clear...


After early March 1633: George Herbert's volume of devotional poems,...

Writing climate item

After early March 1633

George Herbert 's volume of devotionalpoems, The Temple, was posthumously published following his death on 1 March this year.

Before October 1646: Roman Catholic poet Richard Crashaw (1613?-48)...

Writing climate item

Before October 1646

Roman Catholic poet Richard Crashaw (1613?-48) published his Steps to the Temple. SacredPoems, with other Delights of the Muses.

2 February 1651: The second of Izaak Walton's biographies...

Writing climate item

2 February 1651

The second of Izaak Walton 's biographies appeared, that of Sir Henry Wotton , as preface to a volume entitled Reliquiae Wottonianae.


Herbert, George. The Temple. Scolar Press, 1968.