Thomas Humphry Ward

Standard Name: Ward, Thomas Humphry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Mary Augusta Ward
It is dedicated to her husband in memory of their wedding day.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Augusta Ward
Mary Augusta Arnold married Thomas Humphry Ward , a Fellow of Brasenose who came from a middle-class family.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.
56, 43-4
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Augusta Ward
The only son of MAW and her husband was born; he was christened with his mother's maiden name of Arnold .
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.
59, 410
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Augusta Ward
MAW 's husband was offered a permanent position as political commentator for the Times.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Augusta Ward
MAW 's husband was diagnosed with arteriosclerosis.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.
Literary responses Felicia Hemans
As the Victorian period advanced, FH 's popularity with readers held firm, but critics became less enthusiastic. George Gilfillan published a substantial article on her in Tait's Edinburgh Magazine in 1847, placing her first in...
Publishing Mary Augusta Ward
A Morning in the Bodleian, an essay written collaboratively by Mary Augusta Arnold and her fiancé (later her husband), Thomas Humphry Ward , was privately printed.
Wilkes, Joanne. “Mary Ward as Critic of Matthew Arnold”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 453-67.
456 and n7
Textual Production A. Mary F. Robinson
In the same year, 1894, AMFR contributed critical introductions to selections by Felicia Hemans and Joanna Baillie in The English Poets, edited by Humphry Ward (husband of the well-known novelist ).
Robinson, A. Mary F. et al. “Critical Introductions”. The English Poets, edited by Thomas Humphry Ward, New Edition, Macmillian, pp. 4: 221 -34.
4: ix-x


1880: Thomas Humphry Ward published with Macmillan...

Writing climate item


Thomas Humphry Ward published with Macmillan a highly successful four-volume anthology, The English Poets.


Robinson, A. Mary F. et al. “Critical Introductions”. The English Poets, edited by Thomas Humphry Ward, New Edition, Macmillian, 1897, pp. 4: 221 -34.