Sarah Ponsonby

Standard Name: Ponsonby, Sarah


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Anna Seward
The sonnets numbered a hundred; she had been long in the habit of reading them aloud, and friends like Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby urged her pressingly to publish them.
Ashmun, Margaret. The Singing Swan. Yale University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press.
The odes, done...
Textual Production Henrietta Maria Bowdler
HMB 's letters to Sarah Ponsonby reveal the closeness of their friendship. She sent information, opinion, and verse, some of it probably written by herself. Among books she discussed were Ann Radcliffe 's The Mysteries...
Textual Production Mary Tighe
MT wrote her final poem, On receiving a branch of mezereon. Which flowered at Woodstock. December 1809.
Mezereon is a shrub grown both for flowers and ornamental berries. Woodstock was the childhood home of Sarah Ponsonby .
Tighe, Mary. Keats and Mary Tighe. Editor Weller, Earle Vonard, Kraus Reprint Corporation.
Textual Production Eva Mary Bell
EMB , as Mrs. G. H. Bell (John Travers), edited The Hamwood Papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Lady Eleanor Butler
Sarah Ponsonby bequeathed the journals to Caroline Hamilton , and Harriet Pigott therefore supposed that they were written by Ponsonby .
Butler, Lady Eleanor et al. “Foreword and Editorial Materials”. The Hamwood Papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton, edited by Eva Mary Bell, Macmillan, p. vii - viii; various pages.
They have been published in several selections: by Mrs G. H. [Eva Mary] Bell
Textual Production Lady Eleanor Butler
LEB and Sarah Ponsonby wrote some of their voluminous correspondence jointly. Writing was one of their major pleasures; they selected paper with loving care, and kept an equally careful tally of replies received and of...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Matilda Betham
Here already MMB evinces her interest in women's literary history: her topics include praise for writers including Ann Radcliffe and the Ladies of Llangollen (Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby ). One of the...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
Her Souvenirs de Felicie L*** originated several fictional elements in the legend of Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby , the Ladies of Llangollen.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online.
British Library Catalogue.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text E. Owens Blackburne
EOB 's preface also singles out what she claims to be an original account of the true
Blackburne, E. Owens. Illustrious Irishwomen. Tinsley Brothers.
I: viii
history of the Ladies of Llangollen, Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby . While she...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Judith Kazantzis
It includes poems reflecting her experience of winters spent at Key West, Florida, USA, and a tribute to the Ladies of Llangollen (Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby ).
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Eva Mary Bell
EMB 's foreword and her comment on her material is brief. She makes skilful use of letters and diaries, not only those of this famous pair but of their friends and supporters Mrs Lucy Goddard
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Colette
Colette imagines the Ladies of Llangollen (Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby , born during the eighteenth century) living among twentieth-century accoutrements like cars, cigarettes, and crossword puzzles.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin.
They move in the same...
Travel Anna Seward
AS first visited Llangollen, home of Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby . She stayed some weeks, though by the end of September she was writing to tell them about her journey home.
Wordsworth, Jonathan. The Bright Work Grows: Women Writers of the Romantic Age. Woodstock Books.
Travel Henrietta Maria Bowdler
HMB rented a cottage in the village of Llangollen in Denbighshire, to be near her friends Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby .
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin.
Travel Harriet Lee
HL and Anna, her youngest sister, spent several weeks travelling in Wales: one of their ports of call was Llangollen.
Editor April Alliston is not certain whether or not they visited Lady Eleanor Butler


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