Sarah Ponsonby

Standard Name: Ponsonby, Sarah


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Travel Henrietta Maria Bowdler
HMB rented a cottage in the village of Llangollen in Denbighshire, to be near her friends Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby .
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin.
Travel Harriet Lee
HL and Anna, her youngest sister, spent several weeks travelling in Wales: one of their ports of call was Llangollen.
Editor April Alliston is not certain whether or not they visited Lady Eleanor Butler
Travel Mary Brunton
On this occasion they went to the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, and Brighton (the consummation of deformity).
Brunton, Mary. Emmeline. Manners and Miller; John Murray.
Leaving London without intention of returning, on 25 July 1815, she demanded rhetorically:...
Travel Sarah Harriet Burney
A high point in this job was a tour in late autumn 1805, from her employers' country seat (Delamere Lodge, near Northwich, Cheshire) through Wales. A high point in the tour was...
Travel Anne Lister
AL visited Plas Newydd at Llangollen in Wales, hoping to meet Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby .
Lister, Anne. I Know My Own Heart. Editor Whitbread, Helena, New York University Press.
Wealth and Poverty Lady Eleanor Butler
An anonymous donation of two hundred pounds saved LEB and Sarah Ponsonby from a renewed accumulation of debt.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Michael Joseph.
Wealth and Poverty Lady Eleanor Butler
Lady Louisa Clarges left LEB and Sarah Ponsonby £500 in her will.
Rizzo, Betty. Companions Without Vows: Relationships Among Eighteenth-Century British Women. University of Georgia Press.
Wealth and Poverty Lady Eleanor Butler
LEB and Sarah Ponsonby were at length able to buy and own Plas Newydd in Llangollen, the house where they had lived for almost forty years.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Michael Joseph.


No timeline events available.


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