Muriel Bradbrook

Standard Name: Bradbrook, Muriel


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Germaine Greer
The first words of her title are quoted from a passage in Pope 's Dunciad which is, to put it mildly, unfriendly to the notion that a good poet might possibly be of the female...
Friends, Associates Kathleen Raine
In later years, KR had a circle of friends at Cambridge which included C. S. Lewis , Edwin Muir and his wife Willa , Elizabeth Jennings , Owen Barfield , A. C. Harwood , Tom Henn
Friends, Associates Q. D. Leavis
Two of her contemporaries as undergraduates were Muriel Bradbrook (at Girton) and William Empson (whom her future husband, F. R. Leavis , came to admire especially).
MacKillop, Ian. F.R. Leavis: A Life in Criticism. Allen Lane.
85-6, 100
Instructor Germaine Greer
When she told her father about the scholarship he pressed a five-pound note into her hand.
Greer, Germaine. Daddy, We Hardly Knew You. Penguin.
Her first intention was to take a second BA, as was not uncommon then for students coming to...
Occupation Q. D. Leavis
QDL spent most of her Amy Mary Preston Read scholarship money establishing the journal Scrutiny, in conjunction with her husband . She worked as a contributor and editor from the journal's inception in May...


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