Jean Racine

Standard Name: Racine, Jean


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Dora Russell
Her subjects included German and French, philosophy and literature, particularly such writers as Kant , Heine , Pascal , Racine , and Voltaire . Among English authors, she admired George Meredith (Modern Love))...
Education Rose Tremain
RT and her English teacher assumed that she would do A level exams at Crofton Grange and then try for a place at Oxford: she needed only to work harder at Latin.
Tremain, Rose. Rosie. Scenes from a Vanished Life. Chatto, 2018.
152-3, 158
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Robe
JR writes a stylish if extravagant blank verse, arguably superior to that of most contemporary dramatists. She makes fairly free with Racine 's ending to the story of the rebellious brothers Eteocles and Polynices and...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Kane
This play recalls Racine 's version of the story in Phèdre, but actually refers to Racine's source, Seneca 's Phaedra (perhaps following in the footsteps of Caryl Churchill 's version of Seneca's Thyestes...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Barker
JB opens this work with a nostalgic glance backward at about sixty-six years of political thinking and literary writing. Her dedication To the Ladies is immensely engaging. She takes up the story of Galesia, now...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Murray
Frances Milton never blames her father for his unkindness; she still owes him total gratitude and devotion, which she seems to regard as on a par with our debt of love and gratitude to God...
Intertextuality and Influence Kate O'Brien
The love of Tom and Angèle—her early perception that I love him; I love him enough
O’Brien, Kate. The Last of Summer. Virago, 1990.
—is opposed by Tom's mother, by the expected upheavals of Europe, and by Angèle's memory of her own...
Intertextuality and Influence Susanna Wright
Her poetry includes discussion of such serious subjects as time and work, devotional poems, biblical paraphrase, an imitation of neoclassical tragedian Jean Racine , pieces to mark specific occasions such as births and deaths, and...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Thomas
The quotations that head her chapters range through more than a dozen well-known male names from Shakespeare through Racine in French, Prior and Pope to Sterne and Burke , plus a couple of unidentified women....
Literary responses Sarah Kane
Meanwhile fellow-playwright Mark Ravenhill , having initially concluded from the reviews that this was a bad play, was astonished at reading the first few lines and knowing that I was in the hands of a...
Performance of text Jane Robe
Late in the season, JR 's tragedy (and only known work) The Fatal Legacy, translated from La Thébaïde by Jean Racine , opened at Lincoln's Inn Fields ; it ran just three nights.
Mann, David D. et al. Women Playwrights in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1660-1823. Indiana University Press, 1996.
Textual Features Anne Dacier
Dacier maintained that Terence had conformed in his plots to the unities of time, place, and action (which were highly valued by pundits of the time, and obeyed by French classical tragedians like Corneille and...
Textual Production A. Mary F. Robinson
Under her married name, AMFR published another biography, The Life of Racine (the French playwright whose Phèdra retells the story from Euripides which had deeply interested her when young).
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Production Charlotte Lennox
Garrick rejected another of CL 's dramatic works in 1774: Bajazet, a tragedy translated and adapted from Jean Racine .
Isles, Duncan. “The Lennox Collection”. Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol.
, No. 4, Oct. 1970, pp. 317-44.
Textual Production Timberlake Wertenbaker
TW has done a number of translations from the work of dramatists in other languages, especially French and ancient Greek. As well as Lorca 's The House of Bernarda Alba, she has translated from...


1668: Jean Racine's tragedy Andromaque, first staged...

Writing climate item


Jean Racine 's tragedy Andromaque, first staged the previous year, was published; it features a powerful and admirable heroine.
British Library Catalogue.

24 January 1671: Jean Racine's Bérénice, first produced on...

Writing climate item

24 January 1671

Jean Racine 's Bérénice, first produced on stage the previous year, was published.
Walton, Charles Leonard, and Jean Racine. “Introduction”. Bérénice, Oxford University Press, 1965, pp. 9-52.
Oxford Reference.

1675: Jean Racine's heroic tragedy Iphigénie, first...

Writing climate item


Jean Racine 's heroic tragedy Iphigénie, first produced on stage the previous year, was published.
British Library Catalogue.

1677: Jean Racine's tragedy Phèdre (or Phèdre et...

Writing climate item


Jean Racine 's tragedy Phèdre (or Phèdre et Hippolyte) was both produced and published; its protagonist, wife of Theseus, falls in love with her stepson, Hippolytus, and when he refuses to respond she arranges...

1686: Madame de Maintenon founded, in a nunnery...

Building item


Madame de Maintenon founded, in a nunnery at St Cyr near Paris, a school for impoverished noble girls. Closed with other convents at the Revolution, the institution re-opened in 1808 as a school for...

1689: Jean Racine's tragedy Esther (this time on...

Writing climate item


Jean Racine 's tragedy Esther (this time on a biblical, not a classical subject) was both produced and published; it was translated into English under the same title in 1715.
British Library Catalogue.

1691: Jean Racine's heroic tragedy Athalie, written...

Writing climate item


Jean Racine 's heroic tragedy Athalie, written from a biblical subject for performance by a girls' school, was both printed and staged.
British Library Catalogue.

7 June 1810: William Charles Macready (son of an actress...

Building item

7 June 1810

William Charles Macready (son of an actress and an actor-manager) began his successful acting career as Romeo in a performance in Birmingham; he became a specialist in Shakespeare an roles.
“William Charles Macready (1793-1873)”. Theatre Database.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


Walton, Charles Leonard, and Jean Racine. “Introduction”. Bérénice, Oxford University Press, 1965, pp. 9-52.
Racine, Jean. The Fatal Legacy. Translator Robe, Jane, E. Symon, 1723.